What an excellent year! I bookmarked this issue because there are a few stories I missed. You sure have worked hard, and I hope it comes back to you manifold! In $$ and followers.
Jonathan I’m delighted that I found you earlyish in your Newsfucking. I have one ask. Can we not call the Christofacists “The Fellowship”? I’m old enough that this conjures pleasant memories of reading Lord of the Rings and the imagery that pops into my head is of hobbits, elves and dwarves. And an old wizard. Maybe we could call them “Children of Mordor” or “Christofacists.”
Ps I know that’s what they call themselves and they can fuck off.
I went to upgrade and was told to go to the website. Went to the website to upgrade and it opened the application then told me again to go to the website 😂
The charismatic/evangelicals have had years of organizing and making inroads into politics. This is a long game for them and it going to be a long game for us. The Democrats are going to have to build back locally the base they are losing.
In my opinion the Reagan Democrat leadership has already made it pretty clear that they are going to take a knee. The Reagan Democrat leadership has been worthless for decades. What's happening now didn't happen overnight. And the Democratic Leadership has a lot of responsibility for the mess we are in. And I see no indication but they have changed their attitude. For me the biggest clue was Kamala embracing Liz Cheney.
What an excellent year! I bookmarked this issue because there are a few stories I missed. You sure have worked hard, and I hope it comes back to you manifold! In $$ and followers.
Jonathan I’m delighted that I found you earlyish in your Newsfucking. I have one ask. Can we not call the Christofacists “The Fellowship”? I’m old enough that this conjures pleasant memories of reading Lord of the Rings and the imagery that pops into my head is of hobbits, elves and dwarves. And an old wizard. Maybe we could call them “Children of Mordor” or “Christofacists.”
Ps I know that’s what they call themselves and they can fuck off.
I went to upgrade and was told to go to the website. Went to the website to upgrade and it opened the application then told me again to go to the website 😂
I concluded some time ago that the “Manage Subscription” button dotted throughout the app is Substack’s hommage à Kafka.
Alan, That was funny :-D
The charismatic/evangelicals have had years of organizing and making inroads into politics. This is a long game for them and it going to be a long game for us. The Democrats are going to have to build back locally the base they are losing.
In my opinion the Reagan Democrat leadership has already made it pretty clear that they are going to take a knee. The Reagan Democrat leadership has been worthless for decades. What's happening now didn't happen overnight. And the Democratic Leadership has a lot of responsibility for the mess we are in. And I see no indication but they have changed their attitude. For me the biggest clue was Kamala embracing Liz Cheney.
Keep on fuckin!