So, I was hoping that Myrrh was some sort of Sake.. but it's just a sap from some spiky bush.

I'd also like to point out that although space travel is fairly cool and it is nice to know what we could do or can do and also that it is important to study the sun because, when the Sun starts to disintegrate and strips the surface of the Earth off and turns all of our planets into a molten mess for a couple million years, that we will have already known why.

It is also good to note that it is important to differentiate between what should be done and what could be done because what should be done is to take a little bit of a billion dollars and fix the school system and eliminate school choice

( which is clandestine for Christian nationalism in my opinion ).

Remember, there are rich public schools and there are poor public schools, depending on the property taxes in your local jurisdiction.

And lastly, that, if all schools were equal and required to teach about media literacy and the fact that not everything is true just because it's in the newspaper or Facebook, that, the next generation of children might better understand that the goal in life is not to destroy our planet only so that we can have what we want right this minute.


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We can send probes, we can't space travel in any meaningful sci-fi-esq way.

Not now, not even in the future... not at all, unless we make a literally miraculous discovery thay would solve at least one of several rather tall hurdles of keeping humans heathy for extended time in space.

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