The Fucking News Podcast
Context and analysis of all the latest bullshit. For your ears. Your weekday morning wrap-up of the big stories and overlooked stories, mixed with context, history, critical thinking, Dad puns, and vulgarity. From a veteran journalist and producer for MSNBC, CNN, and ABCNews.
Context and analysis of all the latest bullshit. For your ears. Your weekday morning wrap-up of the big stories and overlooked stories, mixed with context, history, critical thinking, Dad puns, and vulgarity. From a veteran journalist and producer for MSNBC, CNN, and ABCNews.Listen on
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Add to this list of things some people would miss a lot more than others. Not for all of us but let’s cut it off for those super rich !
Want a table ? No problem put 1
$10,000.00 down and you’ll have your table.
Simple things - you might want to either buy a shopping cart to wheel that cash ! Your cost of living just went up!
Help me add to the list
Shut the b$tch down!
I've seen jeffries have a few pressers and he said they're a hard no. he's been talking for weeks that GOP will have to do it on their own.
And that’s what they did in the House. The question now is the Senate!
I admit that I'm NERVOUS with Fake47 blatantly threatening politicians. MAINE JARED GOLDEN sold out in the house as the ONE DEM who voted for the bill.
The BILL is WORSE than shutting down the government BECAUSE it's NOT bipartisan.
MOST DO NOT WANT THIS BILL, EXCEPT the people that WILL NEVER BE AFFECTED by it. It's complete insanity.
Target Fast
Well said. Are the Dems. Going to roll over? Are we going to borrow money to give to the billionaires? On what plant is this rational?