When you lost the war before you even woke up, I guess all you can do is laugh and cry. Doesn't actually help anyone.

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Do it! Laugh and call out the lies!

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Fox News will refer to tonights rant as one of the greatest speeches of all times just ahead of the Gettysburg Address. Tonights performance will push the bill to make Trumps birthday a national holiday out of committee. (yes that is an actual bill)

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Podcast audio now sounds great! Congrats on cracking the top 100.

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Too bad we won't have Nancy Pelosi to stand behind him, tearing up his speech....uh....rant.

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Laughing at him was ok before, but it’s too fucking serious now. I think they should not show up.

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Thanks for this announcement, bringing up somewhat hopeful facts but I doubt anything good or even neutral could come of this triad of executive dismantlers of programs that don't promise a good yield of bennies, read $s. We're in a terrible place and only a major revolution and soon could save us. Unlikely because so many non thinking obedient gullible people lulled by cat videos and such, or too busy working and sleeping, won't even know til it's too late!

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