Jon Larsen is proof that people of conscience aren't NECESSARILY Christian, as most Americans are prone to believe. He apologizes all the time for not being good enough. When he was really sick he exclaimed that he was a big baby for missing a TYT report. I only wish we had journalists like Larsen reporting at the level of his gold standard a fraction of their work week. The news would be strikingly different. John, former Presbyterian pastor
Jon Larsen is proof that people of conscience aren't NECESSARILY Christian, as most Americans are prone to believe. He apologizes all the time for not being good enough. When he was really sick he exclaimed that he was a big baby for missing a TYT report. I only wish we had journalists like Larsen reporting at the level of his gold standard a fraction of their work week. The news would be strikingly different. John, former Presbyterian pastor
Thanks for having the foresight and organization to schedule at least some surrogate fucking in absentia!