Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Jonathan Larsen

You sarcastically referred to "a massive invasion of a caravan of criminals."

But has it occurred to anyone that there is a reason why referring to undocumented immigrants as an "invasion" has become common currency among the bigots? That is is not by accident? That there could there be more to it than the obvious red-meat fear-mongering?

Could it possibly, just possibly, be related to the fact that Article One, Section 9, clause 2 of the Constitution reads "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion OR INVASION the public safety may require it?"

Call me paranoid, but these days paranoia seems to be reasonable caution.

As a footnote, can comments be formatted? Every method I've found online, including underlining and asterisks, hasn't worked.

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Thanks, Larry! Let's start with the important stuff: FORMATTING! I'm not aware of it being possible in comments. Even headlines in the substack emails and posts themselves don't have a full suite of formatting options. It's fairly minimalist overall. As for the invasion thing, I can't say I disagree with you...on the other hand, I don't find the xenophobes to be so diligent about legal niceties that I think they're all compelled to ensure their current rhetoric aligns with constitutional language, if you see what I mean...?

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I worked in Mexico for parts of six or seven years in the 1990's, traveling back and forth across the border at Columbus, New Mexico many times. I became familiar to several Border Patrol Agents, and noticed that how they processed immigrants varied over the course of the seasons. Sometimes they checked the paperwork of just a few people, and other times they would check everyone. I asked them about it. They told me that during harvest season in the U.S, they were told not to be firm with paperwork because farms would need the labor. One time I asked it was apple picking season in Washington State, and they let many people through. Another rush was celery season in California. The informality of it seemed to work then. The U.S. economy needs more workers, and immigrants are part of the solution. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/02/opinion/immigration-states.html

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What a wild story. Thank you! I so wish we heard more about the granular reality of our border world...

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Jun 4Liked by Jonathan Larsen

TFN is the only news source that I know of where you get the WHOLE story presented with engaging wit and bold truth-telling.

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Thanks so much, Jerry! Not sure I can claim that I or anyone ever really has the WHOLE story, but I do try to be vigilant about the context that should matter, and flagging when I don't have all the facts I'd like to have. Your support and encouragement keep me going!

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Poor Alex🤣😂🤣

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He should put some of the money from selling the ranch aside for acting lessons. That had to be the absolute worst fake crying I've ever seen.

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