Trump's promise of new tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China ignores a simple truth: other countries don't pay tariffs--we do. Tariffs are taxes on imports, and the costs get passed to American consumers through higher prices. History offers a clear warning, vividly captured in these Gilded Age cartoons, about who really pays for tariffs--and who profits. https://forgottenfiles.substack.com/p/the-hidden-cost-of-tariffs

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The cartoons are great 👍 & so relevant to now.

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> Those who voted against letting taxpayers know what the taxpayer-funded investigation learned about taxpayer-paid Rep. Gaetz were Reps. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), Michael Guest (R-MS), and John Rutherford (R-FL).

The fact that Democrats will be unable to capitalize on this vote is just something we’ve learned to live with.

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They might, if they were to start asking loudly whether taxpayer-funded gun-owning Gaetz ticked the "Not a drug user" option on his firearm license application(s). Y'know, like Hunter Biden did.

Not that Speedy gone Garland would do anything to outpace a sloth about it. Nor that the Muskrump administration wouldn't just cancel whatever if he did anyway.

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‘Speedy-gone-Garland’. Excellent description!

Sort of like Bill Barr, “just trying to land the plane”

Land the plane of whitewashing Trump crimes.

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Be happy you weren't writing in the Before Times! Linotype machines had not only no overstrike feature, they had no italics, bold face or any other of that fancy-schmantzy frippery. We were lucky to have capital letters (on a second keyboard). And of course there was only one font, the very serious Times New Roman. We had to write in it and depend on readers to figure out hard emotions like satire, irony, love, hate, and so on. Kind of like right here. I WAS THERE.

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Mostest bestest news I've read in a while. Truly a Christmas gift! Thank you, Jon.

Take a little time for yourself, please. Don't burn out. MSM is the shits, so many depend on Substackers. Take time to recharge and refresh. Enjoy your family.

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Merry and Happy to you and yours, and this gaggle of readers, with gratitude!

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BEST column ever!! Thank you for this Christmas gift as we prepare to endure the mump era !

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Thank you, Anne. We got this!

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Seasons Greetings to keep it neutral.

If you write it, we will read it.

We'll be back on January 2 for sure.

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Love to know you're taking a break! Thank you. See you next year...

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Merry Christmas!

While many having been blaming Joe and Kamala for all kinds of problems, I would like to note that not all is dark.

Listening to Bloomberg pundits this morning talking about how the average American does not realize how good our Economy is doing. Particularly when compared to all the other major countries.

We should note and mark it down, because the actual truth and numbers will get ‘adjusted’ by liars.

Wall St. all time high, unemployment lowest in decades. Inflation down to 3.2%

Xmas sales robust. New business forming at record rates.

Now my question for corporate America which I used to be part of…..why would you support the orange idiot based on his track record of fucking things up?

Are we better than 4 years ago?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Thanks, Bombay, and Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holidays to every Newsfucker around the world...!

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