So Pelosi finally got to shiv AOC - she’s been waiting a long time.

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they chose a 74yr-old w cancer over AOC, one of the smartest, brightest stars in their party?

unbelievable 😠...these fuckers are going to get us all killed because they cant just get the fuck out of the way and go enjoy what's left of their overly-comfortable lives--

and one look at the list of who's on the steering committee, i dont have to inquire which ones lined up behind which committee chair candidate, it's pretty obvious 🙄....faaaack

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Democrats are still acting like politics is business as usual when we see with our own eyes that it definitely isn't. We need people in leadership positions that can meet this moment.

This Connolly fellow has cancer and is 74, but Pelosi wants him. She's in her 80s and laid up recovering with a brand-new hip. I'm 67 myself, but I know when to fold 'em. These folks are enjoying the healthcare we pay for, yet they couldn't be bothered to TRY to fight for a crumb for us.

They're not up for this, hand the reins over. We are in such a bad pickle that I don't think it could hurt to let the kids have a crack at it.

Retire, go off and enjoy your really nice homes, your millions, your great healthcare, your family. They have more life behind them than they do ahead. Go live it.

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Notice the dearth of Progressives on the Steering Committee? Or the over representation from the center-right? Or that all the old leadership that stepped down from their roles last year are all on it? I guess letting go is hard.

This perfectly encapsulates everything that’s wrong with the party. And demonstrates that if these fuckwads get their way, Rahm - or someone very similar - will be the next party chair.

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That House Democrats would elect a 74-year-old man with cancer to a leadership position over AOC, perhaps the most amazing spokesperson for progressive issues there is, is a perfect illustration of the death spiral the party is in under current leadership and consultant class.

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Well said.

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Jesus. Out with the Old Guard already...

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