Republican Voters do have a Leadership Selection Process.

“Survival of the Quickest to Dodge Bullets” 😃

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I can't really go with you on the "creating a story" bit because used the way JuvenileDelinquent Vance did, it generally refers to some actual event/whatever to which you are giving attention to promote some point. That's just normal press relations.

What we have here instead are reports and rumors. Vance himself admitted as much by calling the supposed reports "verifiable." At that moment, Bash should have cut in with "You say these are 'verifiable.' Are any of them verified? What steps did you take to insure these were real events before you presented them as fact to a national audience?"

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Definitely with you on drilling into specifics on these claims, though I am still inclined to believe he meant to say they created a (news) story out of the (bullshit) claims. But I can still I appreciate you sharing another perspective and your TV insights about all this, thank you!

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Sep 16Liked by Jonathan Larsen

Looking at the actual interview that Harris did with the Philadelphia TV reporter, I was disappointed that she simply repeated pieces of her stump speech. Not that the reporter was tenacious or incisive, but it really was a repeat affair and not a depth interview.

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I confess I didn't watch it, but to me the onus is on the news orgs. Candidates have a plan and they're gonna stick to it. As a news org, the job means that when you have access, you come in with a strategy to get something substantive and newsworthy out of it. Trick is it's gotta be crafted in such a way that a stump answer would be more damaging than a substantive one. Ain't easy!

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Sep 16Liked by Jonathan Larsen

In terms of the shooting in NYC, while I'm as anti-gun as most liberals/Democrats, someone armed with a knife is dangerous, even if you have a gun. I'm not praising the cops totally imcompetent markmanship, but a knife-wielding person is a legitimate threat to a cop with a firearm.

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Fair, although there's no indication in the reporting that he was wielding it, that I've seen? It appears to have been in his pocket until two police officers confronted him about beating the $2.90 fare. Knife-wielding IS dangerous, for sure, which is why cops should be trained in de-escalation or better yet can we just make public transit free yet...?

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I have to wonder, because the linked article says he said "You'll have to shoot me" and that he advanced on the cops, if we have a case of "suicide by cop."

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Ok. I get it. And Trump is not a fascist because he didn’t actually say “I am a fascist.”

I see now: The other side gets to lie without question, but our side must adhere strictly to absolute fact. Also, context is not allowed to matter to us, oh, no, no, no. And that the place is flooded with shit is our fault.

You know, I don’t care what Couchy McFuckstick, Don Diaper and their MAGA cohort of grifters and fools prefer. I don’t care what happens to them. They are an actual existential threat.

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Yeah, but we have to live with ourselves whatever happens. They are liars and cheats and terrifying wanna-be democracy enders. I’d rather have nothing in common with them. We don’t need to lie to win. The truth is quite damning enough. On the other hand, JD dickface has said that he wants to spread the story whether it’s true or not, so fuck him. I don’t think he actually believes it. If he does believe it, doesn’t that make him even dumber?

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