I so much appreciate the audio portion of TFN. I am able to open the print report and play the audio simultaneously. Thank you, Jon.

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I would be so feckin embarassed to drive a Tesla today.

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Bacon puns: is the Republican Town Hall in hock to Bernie Sanders? (I need to work on it a bit more but I'm getting a little behind in my Key Performance Indicators)

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Sanders is sizzling, as usual.

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He's on a winning streak

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I think Musk gets high on K on a Saturday night in his lonely little room lit only by the light of his computer screen, and inputs whatever cruelty comes to his addled mind.

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I had so much fun writing to Elon, I sent emails to both addresses I've seen online (hr and hr4). I wrote in the voice of old lady Norma, who was overjoyed that someone wanted to hear from her and who shared a litany of health complaints from headaches to gum recession while gushing about how much she loves her Medicare.

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The USA is becoming the Rudy Guliani of the world.

Formerly respected but now laughed at as it stumbles around drunkenly spouting lies and fecklessly attempting to wield power it’s rapidly losing.

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There are so many things wrong with Elon’s behavior that I only just now thought of this: How is it that he has all two million email addresses of Federal employees? Does he really? What possible authority does he have to know them? How much access does he have? Can he read their emails? Can he send emails in their names? We’ve gone into hyperfuck.

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“And here Democrats thought that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas could only be removed via impeachment! But maybe he won’t check his email today!”

Beahahahahaha 😂😂😂

Oh Jonathan, this whole article is gold bar 🔥

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Also, sheepishly asking what TCB means?

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Taking Care of Business!

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Can someone explain to me how one can be “semi-fired” (CF47 today in the WH presser with Macron)? WTF does that even MEAN?

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(Sent and didn’t bounce — I was a little scared but then said, “fuck it” and hit send)

What I did last week

1. Got my medicare card.

2. Appreciated my non-partisan government workers.

3. Did the math. My lifetime FICA contributions are over half a million dollars. At 4% it could be 6.7 million by now. You owe me.

4. Bought an anti Elon sticker for my tesla

5. Put the anti Elon sticker on my tesla.

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That footnote 1 cracked me up!

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As I continue my observations and interactions with grassroots Republican voters, I have learned the following:

1. All federal employees live in DC

2. No one pays taxes—federal, state, or local—in DC

3. Government salaries are always at least double what is paid in the private sector for equivalent work

4. Liberals are delighted that fired federal workers who voted Republican will suffer.

To be continued…

ADDENDUM: It belatedly occurred to me #4 doesn’t belong on that list, as liberals actually are proudly cheering for Republican-voting federal employees being fired.

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Here are the ones I’ve heard:

Poor people don’t pay taxes.

Only poor people get benefits.

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The only way to read two million emails, check their accuracy, analyze the effects of the accomplishments, and do anything at all about it would require hiring thousands of new federal employees. Not very efficient. Either Musk is an even bigger idiot that he seems or this is primarily an act of intimidation. Or some inside computer trick that I can’t understand, as Christopher suggests.

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Word on the street is that there will be more than 2 million emails, some “very rude”. Ooh! Clutch my pearls!

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They’re up against the Newsfuckers! Let the swearing begin!

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You know he’s going to use AI on the responses, right? The same AI that gives him two left feet in a certain hacked video. What could go wrong?

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I am terrified that the FBI will fail in its duties. This could be very, very bad.

Kudos to Bernie.

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I feel okay about them failing at Kash Patel’s duties!

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