excellent reporting, havent seen any of this info anywhere else, thanks 💪🏼
nero W bush might wanna slink his nearly-forgotten dumb ass back into the hedgerow homer-simpson style...or maybe he's contributing to trumpists because he's grateful that the sociopath orange julius made him only the *second* worst president in US history...in any case, he'd be wise to keep a low profile, siddown and stfu before he reminds everyone what a lying fool he was and in what shape he helped leave the world economy
this is also a nice illustration that defeating trump is only part of the assignment, kids...the republican party without trump is just that...the same, vile, shitty-policy-having racist misogynist pricks that have always been there will still be there, whether trump is in prison, dead, or hiding in russia--defeating trump without defeating trumpism isnt going to save us--it's going to be a long slog to keep our republic
Well fuck him and the horse he rode in on then. Absolutely gobsmacking that his former VP whom I used to consider the embodiment of evil has more decency and honor. I used to think Gweeb was just stupid and in over his head. Damn!
His nickname is shrub and it’s appropriate
Dumbass is only one IQ point above donald’s score of 78. He’s a loathsome creature.
Wonder if that makes it awkward with Jeb.
The Shrub is a war criminal, plain and simple. He should be in jail and not allowed access to his checkbook.
excellent reporting, havent seen any of this info anywhere else, thanks 💪🏼
nero W bush might wanna slink his nearly-forgotten dumb ass back into the hedgerow homer-simpson style...or maybe he's contributing to trumpists because he's grateful that the sociopath orange julius made him only the *second* worst president in US history...in any case, he'd be wise to keep a low profile, siddown and stfu before he reminds everyone what a lying fool he was and in what shape he helped leave the world economy
this is also a nice illustration that defeating trump is only part of the assignment, kids...the republican party without trump is just that...the same, vile, shitty-policy-having racist misogynist pricks that have always been there will still be there, whether trump is in prison, dead, or hiding in russia--defeating trump without defeating trumpism isnt going to save us--it's going to be a long slog to keep our republic
True to form.
So the republicans who claim Bush is a RINO are eager to take his money. These people have no clue what they are doing to our democracy....or do they?
Bush is still as revolting as ever.
Well fuck him and the horse he rode in on then. Absolutely gobsmacking that his former VP whom I used to consider the embodiment of evil has more decency and honor. I used to think Gweeb was just stupid and in over his head. Damn!
He is still stupid & in over his head. He’s beholden to the Repub party without which he’d still be just a shrub.
Bush still sucks. It figures.
By the way, he stole the 2000 election from Al Gore, with help from Florida governor Jeb Bush and the Supreme Court.
So Dubya is supporting a child rapist. So that either makes him an offender, a wannabe offender or at least an enabler.