Liking this newsletter I subscribed, but having only found it recently. What is the distinction between your original reporting and this newsletter? How would you cut the baby in half to appease all mothers?

p.s. I'm enjoying it all. Maximalist here, I guess.

Unwelcome feedback: 2,000 hertz https://youtu.be/0voTVFmpVjY

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It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out "unwelcome feedback," but it was made up for by how funny I found it. As for the distinction, the weekday morning newsletters, often with multiple stories, involve ZERO original reporting. It's TFN riffing on stories that someone else already reported out. Stand-alone stories, especially those with phrases like "told me" or "documents I obtained" are usually ones that have never appeared anywhere at any time ever on God's increasingly less green Earth. These are stories where I found out something and then wrote about it. My inclination is to post original reporting at jonathanlarsen.substack.com and limit thefuckingnews.substack.com to the weekday morning newsletter. Some fans of each do not want the other!

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Thanks for the explanation, Jonathan. Much appreciated, enabling me to sign up for more content to cram into my mind for displacing other unwanted stuff.

p.s. tickled that the old roadie's 2K joke amused.

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“Hey, y’know what’s crazy hot today? It!” Hahahaha! That tickles me 😂

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Thank you! It's one of my stupid Dad-joke-isms that I can't help but indulge in. Also works for rain!

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John Stewart recently made a good point. Republicans say crime is up in Democratic run cities (it's not), but they are the ones who won't let reasonable gun control measures, e.g., assault weapons ban, bump-stocks, background checks, etc. be passed.

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Very true! I've heard this argument specifically applied to Chicago, but maybe you have better insights on that example...?

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Here is a good article including the information that crime is down in Chicago too. https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-stats-show-violent-crime-dramatically-falling-rising/story?id=108042096

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Ricchi! This one even had Republicans doing good things! Susan Collins! Hell, it was Trump himself who first banned bump stocks... as the story says! Where'd we lose you...?!?

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It is enough, Rikki. More than enough. When the GOP abdicates their responsiblity to conduct the people's business, we vote them out & elect Dems who WILL! 😘

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Love getting my news this way!

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Thank you!

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