The Xian nationalists, aka fanatic theocratic bigots (or, as someone just called them, KKKristians), aren't even pretending any more, as shown by Sen. Cramer, et. al., making Hegseth's loud (and very tactical) declaration of beliefs he has yet to demonstrate in his life a proof of his qualification to head the DOD.

What the hell ever happened to "no religious test for public office?"

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I found the Dem men's focus on his debauchery to be ridiculous. First, who the fuck cares if he drinks? Ahem, drank. Who tf cares if he cheated on his wife? That's completely irrelevant to the position on Sec of Def. Why were they hammering at him about it so much and wasting time? Why was there even a hearing before all FBI background checks and requested material was received? Why didn't they clap back with how many DECADES enlistment has been decreasing? Why didn't they fact check them that there is NO mandate? Why did they let Hegseth ramble on and on? In fact, the women were the only ones who called him out and talked about real issues pertaining to the position he hopes to hold and were bold enough to not put up with his shit rambling.

Ugh. And the bros going on and on about the warrior ethos, which is not a new idea and is already standard in the military. Guess what, fuckers? Both DEI policies (and, yes, they ARE needed in order for there to be consequences for sexual assault and rape) AND a warrior ethos can/does/should coexist.

Grr. I watched the whole thing, as I will do for all the hearings, but with the Republicans holding the majority in the committee, I can't see any of the nominees not getting confirmed.

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I’m wondering if that wasn’t intended for conservative/trad women voters…..(because it didn’t attract my attention, either). Perhaps “breaker of vows” would bother some people more than “lack of any relevant experience” or “thinks that bringing back the Crusades” is a good idea.

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A traitor to women everywhere. Shame on her. Shame.

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Do people educated under the Rockefeller curriculum know what a “doge” is? Might want to look it up and review the history of how the oligarchs of Venice employed him to ensure nobody messed with their business ventures.

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Great edition. Your outrage is my outrage.

On the silence about Christian Nationalism: Sadly, I no longer expect any elected official to bring up Fundamentalist Christian zealotry. It's not fair to lay the blame for this on Carter (who wore his born-again-ness on his sleeve) and Reagan (who launched the evangelical crusade against infidel believers in small-d democracy and the separation of church and state)—but then life isn't fair.

(It's also not fair to point out that, starting in in the 4th century CE, it was Christians who put their pagan persecutors to shame in the persecution department. Hurtful. Makes evangelicals feel bad. I digress.)

Christian Nationalists like Hegseth (and his sponsors and fellow-travelers at the National Prayer Breakfast) like to pose as a persecuted minority that is being 'canceled' by libs. They suffer from a profound martyr-envy.

The fact that Hegseth's Christian Nationalist record wasn't mentioned in the polite society that is the Senate demonstrates that the people who are truly persecuted and cancelled are dissenters who do not make a show of their religious beliefs, who believe the afterlife is irrelevant, who believe it's up to us human beings to rely on our own wit and moral compass to make this world a better place instead of longing for Armageddon to bring on the eschaton, and who reject "thoughts and prayers" as an effective strategy for addressing natural or man-made disasters.

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Is it okay to pronounce DOGE as "Dodgy"? Can't stomach all the bros getting off on pronouncing it the same way as they pronounce that cryptocurrency shit coin. Let's start a trend ....

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Can we pronounce them both that way?

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Sure! Just finished reading about your contributions to breaking the Fellowship Foundation away from that anti-religious-freedom exercise in lobbying-without- registering-as-a-lobbyist foreign-influence-peddling [wrote this as a paean to you!]. Thank you for your past and continuing efforts to rake the mucks!

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My first over-hyphenization tribute! I am moved.

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Anyone else finding the audio flakey?

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I’ll see what I can do about getting a real mic…

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Not sure that’s the prob here…the entire audio feed was frozen in the off position on my device. I was curious if anyone else had an issue with activation of the audio version. BTW: Thanks for publishing a great piece today.

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Thank you, Mike!

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1. Geneva Conventions = treaty, not an organization

2. Article VI, US Constitution = violating adopted treaties is treason

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Samuel Johnson many acknowledge did not intend to trash patriotism when he declared it the last refuge of a scoundrel. Were he still with us sipping gallons of tea each day he would surely remark that the mask of faux christian penitence was both the first and last refuge of these miscreants.

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Ok. She is an idiot!!!!!

Think of all this crap when new president starts using the military against America citizens.

Wake up America !!!!

Did you pay taxes to be killed by your own military????

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Joni was the last hope of the "Maybe it won't be THAT bad" faction. I always believed she'd cave with the rest of them. And I believe it deffo WILL be THAT bad.

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It must be impossible to raise children these days. How do you explain all this successful shitty people?

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People have always been terrible. We're just more likely to know about it now.

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I mean, Nixon was president when I was a kid. I had no idea who Spiro Agnew was, let alone the team of ratfuckers. It's on tomorrow's history teachers to fill in the gaps if tomorrow has history teachers!

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LOL... I knew about Nixon and Agnew, others in the ratf*cking pack, just too young to understand all the details other than that they were all crooks.

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I both knew about all - well, not ALL ... too much for one mind to contemplate - ratf*ckers and ratf*cking. But most of my fellow college students thought it wasn't a big deal. Maybe a precursor to 'fake news.'

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