In Australian English, c__t is often a term of endearment.

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Biden is right: Trump and his supporters are TRASH, GARBAGE AND PIECES OF SHIT.

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Calm, Competent, Controlled, Coherent, Classy

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convinced that the muskmelon got those hair plugs because he trends heavily towards IRL Dr Evil, but less charming.

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"I don’t profess to understand why it’s cute across the pond when Ricky Gervais does it"

Trust me, as a British woman, we don't see it as cute either

It never has been cute - or funny.

And neither is he

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<<Former Pres. Donald Trump yesterday responded as best he’s able to former First Lady Michelle Obama’s criticisms of him on Saturday.

Harris had dared refer to Trump’s criminal record and just some of his lengthy legal record. She referred to his “gross incompetence,” “erratic behavior,” and “obvious mental decline.”>>

I think you mean “Obama” above, not “Harris”.

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Hey, whatever "polite warning" Merrick Garland sent to Elon, it sure did shut him up in a hurry, didn't it? He stopped giving out any more checks the day after he got that notice.

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I was called a fucking bitch and the manager was called a cunt by an employee in the same conversation while she was at work. All we did was tell her to wear a face mask because she had a cough. This happened in a medical clinic. These comments came out of a woman’s brain and mouth. It’s not acceptable at work, at a political rally, on regular television programs, on the news. These words aren’t said as a joke. They’re said to insult women who you despise and want to insult and demean. People who laugh at you are not laughing at a joke. They are laughing because they agree that the woman you are insulting is what you say she is. Trump’s campaign put the guy on the stage so he can channel their message. Vance basically told us to all get over it. We’re making too much of it. So he’s saying we’re all too stupid to interpret the comments the way the “comedian” meant them. So if a comedian told the same “joke” about Vance’s wife or Melania, well get over it. Change your name again JD.

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*The GOP’s Racism Broke AI*

It’s a sad statement on the modern GOP: the party’s racism is so deeply entrenched, so endlessly sprawling, that even artificial intelligence buckles under the task of cataloging it all.


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“Comedy is punching up. Punching down is bullying when one person does it. When power does it, it’s called fascism. And the people who do it are dicks.”

Oh puh lease. (I was actually going to praise this para, but then I really saw the last word. Perhaps not as harmful as the c-word, but still trivializes the very real danger we are ALL in if certain Rs amass more political power in our country.)

Ps why can’t we deport Elon Musk already??

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He’s here legally! (Now.)

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Excellent! Thank you for your dead serious and often hilarious reporting! You are f**king Patriots of the highest order! 👻🎃👻

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Terrorist children? You may want to rephrase that to 'children".

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I use that phrase a lot to make the point that they’re not terrorists. Just, as you say, children.

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That’s it. We need a RuPaul Cunning Uniqueness Nerve and Talent commercial.

Also, this is what they want when they talk about free speech. They want to say whatever the fuck they want without consequences FOR THEM. YOU, on the other hand are not allowed to call Nazis Nazis, even though if you resurrected Hitler himself he’d be like “damn, that seems a bit excessive.”

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Love the ru paul cunning uniqueness nerve & talent commercial. I hope it happens!

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Thank you, Jonathan, for spreading the word. We women who fought so hard in the 60’s and 70’s are aware—WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!

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Talk is cheap. Hate speech is even cheaper. Measure leaders by what they deliver. Check Puerto Rico’s Amazing Progress Under Biden-Harris with this Interactive Map!


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Move over, Matt Rife, and make way for the new America's Worst Comedian.

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