I would never believe any data regarding Amazon sales. If folks withdraw from all fascists businesses as much as possible, the welfare state residents cannot continue to make-up the difference. Plus bonus, you feel better!
JL, did you miss the news that Hegseth has ordered our cybersecurity agencies to lay off the Russians, especially when it comes to voting and other election software. My hair is currently on fire.
It is clear from their behavior that the fascists intend to never have another fair election. They will allow Russia to manufacture some "emergency" just prior or during the election and take control. Or just allow frank manipulation of the numbers...Russia has plenty of experience on falsifying elections.
While we're supposed to be helping "fend off the ongoing Russian invasion" down to the last Ukrainian, is there a limit to the current slaughter before we come up with another strategy?
"Only 16% wanted their country to continue fighting to win the war,
39% said Ukraine should seek to negotiate an ending to the war as soon as possible, and another 39% said Ukraine should continue fighting but should consider negotiations if military progress stalls."
37% said their country should be open to losing territory as part of peace negotiations, 49% said no, and 14% didn't know.
So I'm not in favor of supporting another proxy war of attrition, this time between Ukraine's 33 million and Russia's 144 million with their 1,000+ nuclear warheads aiming at us. Because I don't think Ukraine can take losing more human beings. Which of course could lead to foreign troops, including Americans, entering the scene (as they have in most of our country's horrific foreign policy disasters) on top of massive bombing campaigns ratcheting up the likelihood of nuclear war even higher than the record high it currently is on the Doomsday Clock. Especially since we already have maniacs from the former Obama administration calling for American "boots on the ground". To me that's insanity.
Jonathan, I’m so sorry to say this, but to me it looks like, as brilliant as you usually are, you’re falling for a carefully planned neoliberal trick to generate support for invasion, occupation and theft of Russia. This has been pushed for decades, the Clintons and Biden being the most visible front-puppets, but resistance was there. Trump and Vance were easy to manipulate into their childish bullying display and now suddenly everyone (gullible) is unthinkingly jumping to the defense of a pitiable puppet of the certifiable Nazis who are allowing the Ukrainian people to suffer in this immoral US/NATO proxy war. Putin is not a nice man, but there is no reason whatever to doubt his insistence that Russia has no intention to expand, and I promise that the purpose of this war that the US/NATO/corporate monster is steering us into is NOT to replace Putin with a nicer guy. It’s to take control of the massive resources and strategic position of Russia that the West has coveted for centuries. PLEASE find better info - it’s out there. I suggest thegrayzone.com
I think that unless you can provide some proof of these claims, we ought to wait until someone else provides us with some facts before we swallow some potential kool-aid. One example: just who are the certifiable Nazis in the Ukrainian government and who did the certifying? Right now what you are saying sounds like familiar Putin talking points.
Here is just one of many well-documented articles; please read all of it and consider the possibility that your genuine concern is being exploited to further the goal of continued Western imperialism:
Love you RN (I really do) but respectfully how can the Ukrainians roll-over against the onslaught of Russian prisoners, Chechens and North Koreans engaged in the all out bombing of civilians, sledgehammer executions a'la the Wagner Group and the abduction of Ukrainian children? Granted our government should have done more to bolster Russian civil society after the collapse of the Soviet Union but sometimes you have to pick sides and this uprising of authoritarianism needs to be resisted both domestically and internationally. IMHO, supporting Ukraine bolsters this fight worldwide including sending a message to China that any effort to take Taiwan will be resisted.
This is not to blind ourselves into thinking we have always been virtuous (we have not been) but I think the world will be better with Putin being beaten down. I have traveled in Russia in the past, outside of some soulful people and deep history, there is nothing there that is worth emulating.
About Scamazon: that was a huge first try for a blackout; kudos for trying. However, bastardoz saw the blackout date and shifted shipments for billing to hit that date - not orders. No discouragement. Keep chipping away.
*Everyone aiding and abetting the current administration and the oligarchy; we should never forget and they need to be held accountable, preferably banished.
And this list, critical for our Republic's future:
*All abuses of power and gaps in the Constitution and our laws that have allowed this to happen.
This would include existing BS like pretending corporations are people or currency is free speech, the repeating stupidity of letting the 0.1% morbidly wealthy skate by on hundreds of billions of dollars of unpaid taxes every single year while working American families cover their gap and a mega-billionaire digs through the couch cushions, of the smallest federal workforce since 1939 (by % of US population), looking for pocket change. Fucking pocket change! Real money, massive amounts of real American tax dollars are easily available, no bombastic fanfare required, just simple, equitable taxes.
If anyone knows of a place where this already exists, let me know; no need to reinvent the wheel.
Just a footnote Paul, make sure you/we also get a list of talented, knowledgeable cyber experts loyal to (our newly amended) Constitution, who are able to deal with the current changes being made to control systems by Putin sympathizers inside and outside of Russia proper. This is moment-sensitive as Pete Hegseth has just ordered our current cyber-sleuths to stop tracking and interfering with the Russian operatives working to change the code, especially codes related to our elections. You can hopefully see the importance of this, above many other concerns. We can't afford Trump Forever.
Co-president Elon is supposedly cleaning out “waste and fraud “at the same time second in power. Trump is giving taxpayer money to another billionaire to bail out crypto. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. Oh wait I forgot, that’s the motto of this regime.
Donate safely and directly to Ukraine. Choose where your funds go. I am choosing “Defense” for the foreseeable future; I want to make it clear that I oppose our common enemy, a ruthless authoritarian KGB agent, a wanted criminal, a mass thief of 20,000 Ukrainian children, the owner of the current US administration: Putin the puppeteer.
About the sycophants, Jess Piper said, “flipping on a leader like Zelenskyy for a traitor like Trump”. The sucking up is sycophancy to an extreme. We saw the two liars jump a chief of state for the news footage. Anything to stay in power. Disgusting conduct. Their mothers would not be proud. Watching a felon’s abusing, vile attack on a guest head of state will be remembered as a low point in our diplomatic history.
Those Republicans trying to revise what happened to make it look like Zelenskyy was disrespecting us are charlatans and sycophants. Zelenskyy was quite respectful, and his hosts were not.
Countries that do not allow felons should stick to their guns and ban our felon-in-chief. Please. Ban the asshole. His manners are disrespectful. Your women will not be safe. Your disabled will be mocked. Word salad will take weeks to find ultimately incoherence.
The Trump Administration has worn out its welcome quite fast. Vance’s skiing trip was impacted by protests, and he had to find a hidden hotel. We will do better next time, JD. Tesla dealerships have become overcrowded with non buyers. The Tesla brand has become morally offensive.
The Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stood up to the verbally abusive assault from two assholes. I have seen enough of the White House gas lighting. The smoke and mirrors from Musk is bad enough. The lack of civil manners when hosting a head of state was despicable conduct. Felons generally do better. As Jeff Tiedrich says regarding the revisionist sycophants: FELON shits the bed and then Republicans take turns rolling in it. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/lauding-ukrainian-statemanship?r=3m1bsr=3m1bs
I am reading Freddy the Pig books (1929-1958), in chronological order. I just finished number 23, and went to buy number 24. It is *Freddy and Simon the Dictator.* Pure coincidence in timing? No, I think not. An OMEN.
I would never believe any data regarding Amazon sales. If folks withdraw from all fascists businesses as much as possible, the welfare state residents cannot continue to make-up the difference. Plus bonus, you feel better!
Please, everyone: Zelenskyy is not the poor victim we’re being told he is; here’s just one article:
JL, did you miss the news that Hegseth has ordered our cybersecurity agencies to lay off the Russians, especially when it comes to voting and other election software. My hair is currently on fire.
It is clear from their behavior that the fascists intend to never have another fair election. They will allow Russia to manufacture some "emergency" just prior or during the election and take control. Or just allow frank manipulation of the numbers...Russia has plenty of experience on falsifying elections.
Plausible, reliable, accurate, and stress-relieving. Thank you.
While we're supposed to be helping "fend off the ongoing Russian invasion" down to the last Ukrainian, is there a limit to the current slaughter before we come up with another strategy?
Honestly Jim, that should be up to the Ukrainians, should it not?
I'm of the weird opinion that America should decide its own foreign policy.
That said, according to a Ukraine Feb poll,
"Only 16% wanted their country to continue fighting to win the war,
39% said Ukraine should seek to negotiate an ending to the war as soon as possible, and another 39% said Ukraine should continue fighting but should consider negotiations if military progress stalls."
37% said their country should be open to losing territory as part of peace negotiations, 49% said no, and 14% didn't know.
So I'm not in favor of supporting another proxy war of attrition, this time between Ukraine's 33 million and Russia's 144 million with their 1,000+ nuclear warheads aiming at us. Because I don't think Ukraine can take losing more human beings. Which of course could lead to foreign troops, including Americans, entering the scene (as they have in most of our country's horrific foreign policy disasters) on top of massive bombing campaigns ratcheting up the likelihood of nuclear war even higher than the record high it currently is on the Doomsday Clock. Especially since we already have maniacs from the former Obama administration calling for American "boots on the ground". To me that's insanity.
Jonathan, I’m so sorry to say this, but to me it looks like, as brilliant as you usually are, you’re falling for a carefully planned neoliberal trick to generate support for invasion, occupation and theft of Russia. This has been pushed for decades, the Clintons and Biden being the most visible front-puppets, but resistance was there. Trump and Vance were easy to manipulate into their childish bullying display and now suddenly everyone (gullible) is unthinkingly jumping to the defense of a pitiable puppet of the certifiable Nazis who are allowing the Ukrainian people to suffer in this immoral US/NATO proxy war. Putin is not a nice man, but there is no reason whatever to doubt his insistence that Russia has no intention to expand, and I promise that the purpose of this war that the US/NATO/corporate monster is steering us into is NOT to replace Putin with a nicer guy. It’s to take control of the massive resources and strategic position of Russia that the West has coveted for centuries. PLEASE find better info - it’s out there. I suggest thegrayzone.com
LOLOL, Satire, right?
I think that unless you can provide some proof of these claims, we ought to wait until someone else provides us with some facts before we swallow some potential kool-aid. One example: just who are the certifiable Nazis in the Ukrainian government and who did the certifying? Right now what you are saying sounds like familiar Putin talking points.
Here is just one of many well-documented articles; please read all of it and consider the possibility that your genuine concern is being exploited to further the goal of continued Western imperialism:
Please check out thegrayzone.com. Their documentation is extensive, and there are many other sites. They explain better than I can.
Love you RN (I really do) but respectfully how can the Ukrainians roll-over against the onslaught of Russian prisoners, Chechens and North Koreans engaged in the all out bombing of civilians, sledgehammer executions a'la the Wagner Group and the abduction of Ukrainian children? Granted our government should have done more to bolster Russian civil society after the collapse of the Soviet Union but sometimes you have to pick sides and this uprising of authoritarianism needs to be resisted both domestically and internationally. IMHO, supporting Ukraine bolsters this fight worldwide including sending a message to China that any effort to take Taiwan will be resisted.
This is not to blind ourselves into thinking we have always been virtuous (we have not been) but I think the world will be better with Putin being beaten down. I have traveled in Russia in the past, outside of some soulful people and deep history, there is nothing there that is worth emulating.
There are millions of soulful people, millions of innocent civilians, all worth saving. The Western imperialist empire’s intentions are not good.
About Scamazon: that was a huge first try for a blackout; kudos for trying. However, bastardoz saw the blackout date and shifted shipments for billing to hit that date - not orders. No discouragement. Keep chipping away.
I want two public running lists:
*Everyone aiding and abetting the current administration and the oligarchy; we should never forget and they need to be held accountable, preferably banished.
And this list, critical for our Republic's future:
*All abuses of power and gaps in the Constitution and our laws that have allowed this to happen.
This would include existing BS like pretending corporations are people or currency is free speech, the repeating stupidity of letting the 0.1% morbidly wealthy skate by on hundreds of billions of dollars of unpaid taxes every single year while working American families cover their gap and a mega-billionaire digs through the couch cushions, of the smallest federal workforce since 1939 (by % of US population), looking for pocket change. Fucking pocket change! Real money, massive amounts of real American tax dollars are easily available, no bombastic fanfare required, just simple, equitable taxes.
If anyone knows of a place where this already exists, let me know; no need to reinvent the wheel.
Just a footnote Paul, make sure you/we also get a list of talented, knowledgeable cyber experts loyal to (our newly amended) Constitution, who are able to deal with the current changes being made to control systems by Putin sympathizers inside and outside of Russia proper. This is moment-sensitive as Pete Hegseth has just ordered our current cyber-sleuths to stop tracking and interfering with the Russian operatives working to change the code, especially codes related to our elections. You can hopefully see the importance of this, above many other concerns. We can't afford Trump Forever.
Co-president Elon is supposedly cleaning out “waste and fraud “at the same time second in power. Trump is giving taxpayer money to another billionaire to bail out crypto. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. Oh wait I forgot, that’s the motto of this regime.
Donate safely and directly to Ukraine. Choose where your funds go. I am choosing “Defense” for the foreseeable future; I want to make it clear that I oppose our common enemy, a ruthless authoritarian KGB agent, a wanted criminal, a mass thief of 20,000 Ukrainian children, the owner of the current US administration: Putin the puppeteer.
See their ambassadors, support the war,
support The Global Resistance.
agree PoTR and I have!
About the sycophants, Jess Piper said, “flipping on a leader like Zelenskyy for a traitor like Trump”. The sucking up is sycophancy to an extreme. We saw the two liars jump a chief of state for the news footage. Anything to stay in power. Disgusting conduct. Their mothers would not be proud. Watching a felon’s abusing, vile attack on a guest head of state will be remembered as a low point in our diplomatic history.
Those Republicans trying to revise what happened to make it look like Zelenskyy was disrespecting us are charlatans and sycophants. Zelenskyy was quite respectful, and his hosts were not.
Countries that do not allow felons should stick to their guns and ban our felon-in-chief. Please. Ban the asshole. His manners are disrespectful. Your women will not be safe. Your disabled will be mocked. Word salad will take weeks to find ultimately incoherence.
The Trump Administration has worn out its welcome quite fast. Vance’s skiing trip was impacted by protests, and he had to find a hidden hotel. We will do better next time, JD. Tesla dealerships have become overcrowded with non buyers. The Tesla brand has become morally offensive.
The Ukrainian President Zelenskyy stood up to the verbally abusive assault from two assholes. I have seen enough of the White House gas lighting. The smoke and mirrors from Musk is bad enough. The lack of civil manners when hosting a head of state was despicable conduct. Felons generally do better. As Jeff Tiedrich says regarding the revisionist sycophants: FELON shits the bed and then Republicans take turns rolling in it. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/lauding-ukrainian-statemanship?r=3m1bsr=3m1bs
" ,,, undiskilosed location. (Undisclosed slalomcation? I’ll keep working on it.)"
Straight from the vowels of the alphabet!
I am reading Freddy the Pig books (1929-1958), in chronological order. I just finished number 23, and went to buy number 24. It is *Freddy and Simon the Dictator.* Pure coincidence in timing? No, I think not. An OMEN.