Porter's next job- Head of the CFPB. Who better to lead Warren's baby than Warren's protegé? She *literally* wrote the book on "Modern Consumer Law" and the CFPB.

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Had it been a Porter v. Schiff primsry the result would have been the same. There was no route for Porter to overcome Schiff's statewide profile. As to Sinema well she feathered her bed, let her rest in it.

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Losing Porter smarts a bit, but I hope she takes the time off to work on anther run. We need more people like her in congress.

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Arizonan here. We didn't leave Sinema. Sinema left us. Good riddance to her.

P.S. If you actually think she's not an opportunist, you have to wonder then why she moved her desk in the AZ Senate next to Russell Pearce, author of the notorious SB1070.

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I'm always inclined to defer to the folks on the ground, even when the ground is as big as Arizona, so thanks for sharing your insights, Patt. I will say I don't think she's NOT an opportunist...I just try not to view anyone through essentialist lenses. Has she acted opportunistically? I am 100% sure! So have I! To me it's all about how we incentivize politicians, and in this case you and your fellow Arizonans seem to have incentivized her right off the ballot...

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