The oil barons and Henry Ford rigged it so this would be what happened when they killed mass transit. Imagine a world with fast, quiet trains, no automobiles and no kajillion of miles of paved roads destroying the landscape....
In an effort to not violate the TOS around here with what I deem COULD be interpreted as a threat (to malicious motherfuckers actively trying to destroy this planet and everyone on it), I'll just say thank you for the heads up, Jon. Again. Please vote, people. So we have Joe Biden to beat on until he helps us fix this shit.
The oil barons and Henry Ford rigged it so this would be what happened when they killed mass transit. Imagine a world with fast, quiet trains, no automobiles and no kajillion of miles of paved roads destroying the landscape....
Yup. Schwarzenegger gave an amazing speech once about how tire makers killed the train industry. Or something like that. It was great!
The G20 countries subsidized the record profits of the oil and gas industries to the tune of one trillion dollars in 2023.
Jesus, I wasn't even including subsidies. Or tax breaks.
They're pillaging us while they destroy our environment.
In an effort to not violate the TOS around here with what I deem COULD be interpreted as a threat (to malicious motherfuckers actively trying to destroy this planet and everyone on it), I'll just say thank you for the heads up, Jon. Again. Please vote, people. So we have Joe Biden to beat on until he helps us fix this shit.
Thank you!
Thank you, as always!
Thank you, Dan. Sorry I made your head hurt. Do you need some overpriced, addict-you-for-life painkillers?