Republicans Are Eating Trump's Pet
The candidate's new pet conspiracy-theorist is getting carved up by documented GOPers
Sept. 13: They’re coming for Trump’s new pet … Springfield reels from GOP fiction … Harris unveils rural-American policies … Boeing workers strike …
Former Pres. Donald Trump’s latest favorite pet conspiracy-theorist is being seized on by Republican leaders who are carving her up and eating her alive, according to made-up bullshit “rumors” unvetted constituents calling my office actual news reports not disputed by city managers.
The conspiracy theorist, Laura Loomer, has been seen with Trump at multiple recent events, even though she reportedly has never been domesticated.
In the past, Loomer reportedly has barked at Muslims and got past the fence at the home of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). She is not allowed on Lyft, Uber, Facebook, Instagram, Venmo, or PayPal because she leaves a mess.
Trump does not have an emotional support animal but lately has been taking Loomer everywhere, even places where she has shat before. Like Ground Zero!
Despite Loomer having called the Sept. 11 attacks an “Inside job,” Trump had Loomer at his side at Ground Zero, on this year’s Sept. 11 anniversary.
She’s also been accused of trying to steal Americans’ jobs, or at least one job, angling unsuccessfully to get hired by the Trump campaign.1 A documented full-of-Shih-Tzu, Loomer allegedly has spread communicable, viral diseases of the mind.
Trump showed symptoms recently of catching something found in Loomer’s stupid, stupid shit.
She questioned the racial identity of Vice Pres. Kamala Harris; less than a week later, Trump did so on camera…in front of the National Association of Black Journalists.
Loomer howled about Haitians overrunning Springfield, OH, before Trump did it at Tuesday’s debate.
Now, documented Republicans are devouring her, or at least they’ve been seen on television doing it.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), for instance, told the Washington Post: “The history of statements by Ms. Loomer are beyond disturbing.” He added, “I hope this problem gets resolved,” using a common euphemism for euthanization.
Loomer also said a Harris White House would smell like curry. Which she did not mean as a compliment. Then Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called the remark “appalling and extremely racist.” Which she did not mean as a compliment.
Graham did not indicate that he was speaking out in the name of decency or to get Trump to behave better. The reason for condemning Loomer was much simpler. He told the Post he’d been speaking with Greene about the curry stuff and Georgia, which has one of the country’s biggest Indian-American populations, and he is “very concerned about the political impact this will have in Georgia.” Touching! Patriotic!
As everyone knows, of course, there is no such thing as a bad pet, just bad owners. The decision to keep Loomer around is Trump’s. Which he does for the same reason a dog licks its balls: Because he can.
Meanwhile, in Springfield
We don’t know (yet?) whether yesterday’s bomb threat in Springfield, OH, was a direct response to former Pres. Donald Trump amplifying total fiction about Haitian immigrants there.
We do know that Mayor Rob Rue says the threat “used hateful language towards immigrants and Haitians in our community.” And that Rue says Republican rhetoric is “hurting our city.”
And that City Hall was evacuated yesterday due to the threats. As were two schools and other public buildings.
If you’d like a corrective to all this toxic shit, you may have seen the viral clip of a Springfield CEO, Jamie McGregor, talking about his 30 Haitian employees:
“I wish I had 30 more. Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don't have a drug problem. They will stay at their machine. They will achieve their numbers. They are here to work. And so, in general, that's a stark difference from what we’re used to in our community.”
It came from a PBS report about the Haitian situation in Springfield. Yes, the city has struggled. Not because Haitians are bad, but because the town is cash-strapped to handle the big population influx. So you can see the problem as too many Haitians…or too little government funding.
In fact, the town had been shrinking/dying for decades. The town’s population was at its lowest levels in a century, Reuters reports.
Haitians are now making it grow, revitalizing its institutions, according to PBS. Here’s Reuters again:
“What didn't happen, according to interviews with a dozen local, county and officials as well as city police data, was any general rise in violent or property crime. Wages didn't collapse, but surged with a rising number of job openings in a labor market that remained tight until recently.”
Harris Trips to Flip Stix
Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and running mate Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) today are venturing into the scariest territory known to Democrats: Small towns!
Harris is campaigning in rural Pennsylvania today. Walz will be in Wausau, WI.
And Politico reports that Harris is unveiling new policy proposals — the information that low-information voters want say they want (because that gives them an excuse not to admit they don’t know what the fuck is going on) — aimed at wooing small-town and other rural voters who definitely will not flip Democratic this year.
Politico got hold of was fed a campaign document outlining some of the proposals Harris’s campaign has put together that literally not a single rural voter okay except maybe a couple will care about. Here’s an excerpt:
It’s important to understand that the phrases “Rural Partners Network” and “State Small Business Credit Initiative” will enrage small-town voters. This is exactly the kind of Democratic Band-Aid™ stuff your consistent TFN rails about.
What rural America needs is not Band-Aid™s but restoration of the playing field on which they’ve thrived in the past. That means Democrats dismantling the extractive economic systems that paved the way for Big Ag to decimate small farms, that let venture capital turn hospitals from for-people into for-profit enterprises, that pushed college out of reach for their kids.
Mitigating the damage done by the system will never succeed politically like fighting the system. Which is why wannabe rePresident Donald Trump is winning among people whose hands he wouldn’t shake without an instant Purelling.
Boeing Workers Go on Strike
Thirty-three thousand Boeing workers are refusing to make the shitty planes that short-term-profit-seeking executives decided to make because being a proud, well-respected company doesn’t generate enough wealth fast enough.
The Boeing workers went on strike early this morning. What’s left of the once-proud company had offered them a four-year contract that was apparently put together as poorly as its planes. The impact of the strike could ripple downwind to the almost 10,000 companies that sell whatever parts Boeing hasn’t stopped using yet.
Union leaders had backed the proposed contract, which topped out at a 25% pay increase at the end of four years. But members overwhelmingly rejected it, and there are issues besides pay, such as Boeing shifting jobs to nonunion plants.
Plus, somebody killed their pension plan. Y’know, to save money. Which is now looking as poorly designed a plan as its poorly designed planes.
Harris Locking Up Torture Caucus
While former Pres. Donald Trump may dream of torturing people if he’s president again and no longer has to follow the law, the actual doers are lining up behind Vice Pres. Kamala Harris.
First there was former Vice Pres. Dick Cheney endorsing her last week. Now Harris’s camp includes former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, whose service to then-Pres. George W. Bush included his tenure as White House counsel.
Gonzalez endorsed Harris yesterday. Prior to that, he was best known for helping America torture people, when the Bush administration wanted someone to stitch together some legal fig leafs upending two centuries of American law and myth.
Of course, it’s not that Gonzalez and Cheney think Harris is great. They just don’t like former Pres. Donald Trump. Gonzalez calls Trump “perhaps the most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation.”
Now, I looked up the technical definition of “generation,” and it means a period of about 20 years. Meaning that Gonzalez thinks Trump might be the most serious threat to the rule of law since himself.
Who was a terrible threat to the rule of law!
Of course, the Bushies don’t have a problem with Trump’s policies — which Bush Supreme Court appointees happily rubber-stamped — it’s his vulgar style.
But really what this is about is Bushwashing, pretending that Trump is qualitatively rather than just stylistically different from Bush, who prior to Trump was appropriately reviled by the American public.
The only way to rehab Bush’s legacy, in other words, is to pretend Trump is demonstrably worse.
Trump Starts His First Foreign War…with Germany!
Former Pres. Donald Trump made quite the choice when deciding which nation to provoke into a war (of words) this week. Germany may have lost both world wars, but it also committed an entire Holocaust along the way, as even some Trump voters may be willing to acknowledge.
Trump, at times an ally of past German reichs regimes, fired the first shot with a surprise attack during Tuesday’s debate. He claimed that Germany had given up pursuing renewable energy and was going back to Earth’s finite supply of fossil fuels.
Germany responded with a blitz. The actual foreign ministry tweeted:
“Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables. And we are shutting down — not building — coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. PS: We also don’t eat cats and dogs.”
Trump’s former ambassador to Germany, Richard Grennell, responded with a misfire, calling Germany’s devastating assault “blatant election interference.” It’s not, of course, because it’s concealing your identity that makes it interference. If you’re open about your identity, voters are free to assess the source. Freedom of speech and all!
Despite Grennell’s miss, Germany lobbed another volley yesterday. as another minister, Anna Lührman, Tweeted in Trump’s secret native language:
“Contradiction with facts and humor — that is the right answer to #Disinformation. As democrats, we can no longer allow ourselves to leave false statements uncommented.”
“We have stopped using nuclear power and are burning less coal than we have since the 1960s. And our energy supply is and will remain stable," she said, twisting the knife. Looks like Germany might finally win one!
Campaign Watch
PRESIDENT The campaign of Vice Pres. Kamala Harris got $47 million in donations during the 24 hours after an estimated 67.1 million people watched her debate with at on former Pres. Donald Trump. That’s roughly the equivalent of ⅔ of a dollar from every single viewer.
FLORIDA Former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) may be giving Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) a run for his fraudulently obtained money.
Scott — who should be the weakest candidate in a field of weak Republican Senate candidates given his history of defrauding taxpayers even before he was elected to defraud taxpayers — has been leading Mucarsel-Powell in most of the polls. But now she may be catching up.
And her campaign said Wednesday that after the release of a new poll showing her within the margin of error, her campaign pulled in $1 million in new donations. One poll earlier this week showed Vice Pres. Kamala Harris only two points behind former Pres. Donald Trump in Florida, which would be good news for Democrats if individuals polls meant shit.
Media Watch
THE INTERCEPT Vice Pres. Kamala Harris’s rhetoric at Tuesday’s debate accepted and advanced some deeply depressing Republican tropes, as your loyally contrarian TFN has party-pooped.
Now The Intercept’s Natasha Lennard has a good write-up on one issue, specifically: Immigration.
She rightly noted that ABC’s David Muir unobjectively subjectively accepted the merits of Pres. Joe Biden’s new tightening of asylum procedures, asking, “Why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act?”
As activists advocates people who give a shit have noted, the new restrictions are draconian. And Lennard makes a point TFN recently made, too: That the border was labeled a crisis because of failure to process applicants expeditiously…and the media have now lazily morphed that into a crisis of they’re invading.
As Lennard notes, Harris did not stand up for immigrants. She did not educate her 67.1 million viewers that immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans do, or that immigrant labor not only buoyed the American economy throughout COVID but put money into everyone’s pockets.
Yes, yes, she’s campaigning for the middle and to satisfy the media’s Muirs. But you can do that by accepting and chasing right-wing framing. Or by leading.
Apologies for being late today. Had a family health thing overnight. (All is well, it just means a sick day from school; recovery and movie-watching are already well under way.)
I had so much stuff to include today, maybe I’ll do an extra weekend edition. I dunno!
But if you enjoyed today’s TFN — and especially if you missed it because it was late! — please consider supporting TFN with a donation or paid subscription.
And come say Hi on Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, Spoutible, or Twitter.
Go get ‘em, kids. And give yourself a good weekend!
As long as she doesn’t chew up the couch, which Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) hates.
Remember that Biden was extremely centrist when elected, but moved over to the left. I believe Harris is taking the same tactic in order to get elected. Also, perhaps the rural people (i live in a very rural town) might take offense at offers of help, but WHAT is trump offering?! I’m not buying it. It’s pure old racism. I think Biden endorsed the border bill just to make republicans vote on it before it was something for the pos to run on. Of course we know that was silly. But Harris can sign it, after we get more judges & lawyers to move these people through inside of 5 years!
Not sure what to get a MAGA donor for Christmas? How about the GOP Guide To Insulting Immigrants! In this special preview edition, see how to insult Haitians, Mexicans, Indians, Kenyans and more! It includes traditional Trump insults like 'shithole countries' to new ones like 'they eat dogs'. Never be at a loss for racist insults again! Simply click on a flag on the interactive guide for details.
How can you use the Insult Guide? Trump and JD Vance demonstrate how:
"Trump and vice presidential candidate JD Vance have embraced a racist smear against Haitian migrants"