I like funny snark and serious reporting equally. 🙏🏼💓🎶🎤

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Thank you! Every bit of feedback helps…

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"...the tricky legal dilemma of whether it’s appropriate for the justices to rule in favor of someone who has not directly given them money or gifts."


Only last week they ruled that post-hoc bribery is fine.

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Some class A snark my friend.......unfortunately, I live in Thailand and awoke to the SCROTUMS decision on immunity.......everyday I am more convinced that I was correct in my reasoning for bailing on 'Murika after 45 years of public service......

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I love your reporting and analysis, including the snark, which actually makes the the sometimes disgusting, always depressing news more digestible. Your column is a MUST read for me every day it arrives in my inbox. Thanks, man:)

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Chevron Doctrine overturned: Mapping the deadly cost of Supreme Court Justices’ power grab. We analyzed the lives endangered when experts at agencies such as the FDA are overruled by MAGA activists justices.


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Just a general comment: I always appreciate and enjoy your posts! I usually agree with all of them, but there are aspects with which I don't conquer, but that's acceptable; we are two unique people who don't need to agree on every single aspect of every issue. You always have at least an interesting take And always extremely informative. Thank you so much! I occasionally share on Facebook, common pooch did this but I think most people are ignoring me now: I'm sort of outspoken an opinionated in my own way. But thank you! I love reading your articles, usually first thing in the morning. Keep your finger in the pulse of the **** in the government!

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Can’t Congress just pass a law that codifies Chevron into law? I believe they can. Will they? Prolly not.

Can the religious right really get powerful enough in Ukraine to get them to start passing anti everyone they don’t approve of laws? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that admittance to the EU might be more popular than appeasing 2% of the population’s opinion on the direction the country could take. If they start passing anti-LGBTQ laws, for instance, the EU will tell them to correct themselves or no entry for you. Additionally, if the Dems manage to retake the House in the fall and hold the Senate - or at least keep it very close - I don’t think the power that the group currently has over internal Ukrainian politics will remain as firm.

But hey, I’m just a newsfucker, so what do I know? 🙃

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