Democrats should shitcan the state-by-state primary system and mirror the general election with a single, national primary the first Tuesday in June. Too many primary votes are just meaningless because all the other candidates have dropped out by the time it gets to their state.

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People who aren't looking for a fight don't start a reply with a throwdown like "Good for you."

Since you don't want a fight, I don't expect to hear from you again. Have a nice holiday.

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It’s high time somebody let Bernie in on the fact that HE’s not bringing anything “fresh” to the table either. For all his talk, he’s just as much a part of the “old ways” too!

For three decades, he’s done NOTHING to grow the Progressive Caucus in any manner that could make anyone respect any threat from him.

This burr he keeps up his ass about billionaires funding campaigns ignores the fact that HE persistently hampers grassroots funding by accusing Dems of catering to billionaires.

And this perpetually racist slant to his “working class” pablum is exactly why Black people don’t trust him. Which is ironic because working class white people don’t want anything to do with him either.

As evidenced by the past THREE elections!

So how about Bernie take this time to sit tf down and STFU about Ds? Or nut up and go create this third party he’s been threatening forever. See how that works out in our bicameral legislature.


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FYI some problem with the website if the reply is too long the box gets bigger and throws everything off and the button is no longer clickable. (not a problem for new posts only replies).

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That's strange.

I always get the text scrolling within the fixed size box. Both on desktop and mobile browser (Firefox).

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Same problem on iphone Safari

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I'm using google chrome and microsoft edge which also uses chromium base.

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Bernie is one of a kind. Bernie would have kicked Insane Clown's fat ass into oblivion in 2016, 2020, 2024. I wish there was someone for Bernie to pass the torch to. I thought Fetterman might be but he has made it clear that he no longer wants it and has totally caved in. I don't think it makes a damn difference anymore. Failure was not an option here. We had a will to lose ... Merrick Garland, Fani Willis, and much more ... and we lost. A Democracy ... if you can keep it. If you cannot keep it you do not deserve it.

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super-PAC money or no, the Ds need to a) calm the fuck down and b) remember the Unruh rule....

"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them, you have no business being up here." ....

and also with you 💪🏼

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“RePresident-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Labor secretary. Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer (D-OR)”

Lori is not a Dem!!

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For anyone that wants to read the Cory Doctorow thread (it’s good) but isn’t allowed by Twitter’s stupid interface that restricts you from seeing any comments, here ya go:


In the future, may I make an extremely modest request that someone please provide a link to an alternative thread aggregator site where we can read the whole thread without having to deal with Elon’s enshittification antics. Thanks in advance!

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Oh the hand wringing. How do you connect with an electorate that lives in will ignorance. Can’t be bothered to find out what a tariff is. Can’t be bothered to figure out the real reason eggs are expensive. Sorry MAGAts , nerds are needed to run systems you don’t even have a rudimentary understanding of. This is true whether you want it to be or not.

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OMG! That f-ing power button logo made me spit out my coffee! Your artistic creativity is second only to your creative descriptions of otherwise depressing individuals.

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Thankful for the Bern. And TFN.

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Hillary lost because her husband couldn't keep his pants zipped. If there had been two (2) more votes per precinct in Michigan, she would've won. That's where my peeps are from. There isn't enough ink to write up how much I heard from working class family and friends there that they didn't want "drama and Bill chasing skirts again". These people sat on their hands. Congratulations, Bill.

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Your family and friends are fucking idiots but that is not the main reason why Hillary lost. Hillary lost because she surrendered prime time TV to Insane Clown where he bashed her night after night. Hillary ran scared and vanished leaving nothing but lame "Stronger Together" and "I'm With Her" ads. And when she did come up for air it was to say such breathtakingly stupid things "I Short Circuited", ... (continued because the button becomes unclickable when the comment is too long and makes the box bigger)

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True it's not the main reason. She was a terrible candidate and that's on her. But she still could've won the electoral college, even with all her mistakes and with the press fawning over an obvious morally defunct candidate. I've never understood why there are so many people who thought she was the bees knees, politically speaking. Being a yet another neoliberal with boobs still makes you yet another neoliberal.

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"Wipe The Server With A Cloth", "Put Coal Miners Out Of Work", "Deplorables", that you wished she would just stay the fuck out of sight already. And that vacuum was filled by Russian bots and all manner of conspiracy theorists and assorted lunatic fringe.

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This guy. If Bernie hadn’t run against Hillary, we wouldn’t have had Trump.

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Yeah that's Hillary's story. Everything and everyone is to blame but Hillary. Hillary was weak. So was Kamala. So too for that matter was Biden but Biden won because Insane Clown being the incumbent that everyone was sick of 4 years of clowning to the point where he just threw the election preferring a civil war be fought over him.

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If Bernie had run INSTEAD of Hillary we wouldn’t have had Trump - there, fixed it for you.

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If Bernie had been a Democrat and a woman I would have voted for her.

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And people like me don't vote based on a party label and whether someone has tits. I'd love a woman president too, but just being a woman is not gonna get my vote. To be frank, I was 0% interested in Hillary and a repeat of the abomination of "triangulation". I voted for her anyway bc holy shit I see what Trump is. I would've voted for a pile of dog poo in that election if Trump was the alternative. No, I'm not even damning with faint praise. I'm just straight up damning.

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Good for you. I do pay attention to parties. We have 2; no getting around it. Thank Thomas Jefferson. I don’t know what triangulation you speak about but it’s water under the bridge. She was right about everything.

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Well Google Bill Clinton and triangulation and then you'll know. Better yet, go read a book. And no one is right about everything. Also we are not stuck with two parties forever. Broaden your vision.

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Bill Clinton had affairs. So have a lot of presidents. I’m sure it was humiliating for Hillary but she chose to stay with him and work through it. Courageous.

I read all of the time. Thank you for your concern. If you’re looking for a fight you won’t find it here. Im saving my anger for important things. Happy Thanksgiving.

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