once again thank you JL! I hope that as a proud News Fucker subscriber my posts will not be used against me when I hit my head and future me has a late life entry into Republican politics.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Larsen

Ty, Jon. I was SO waiting for THIS line: "For instance, the U.S. escalation in Vietnam ultimately led to that war’s end and Vietnamese peace and capitalism." Because why not just eliminate the escalation and get right to the Capitalism bomb which will only wreck the Middle East in *checks notes* 249 years give or take a Civil War?

OH! Because then we wouldn't get to kill more people we hate?... What a freaking time to be alive...

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Hey Jonathan! Any thoughts on Steve Bannon and what fuckery he might be planning while he’s been sitting in prison safely away from the national spotlight? He’s a menace and will be a free menace in about 4 weeks, just in time to sow a little extra chaos before the election.

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I mean, chaos-sowing doesn’t seem to be working out all that well for them lately. Maybe Bannon’s incarceration was an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign…?

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