Fold on day one. “The art of the deal”

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Trump belongs in an insane asylum and wrapped in a snugly straight jacket and bite mask

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In the cinematic world, no representation of executive leadership came closer to capturing the essence of our current situation better than Mel Brooks’ Governor Lepetomane in Blazing Saddles. You just have to substitute a Golf club for the paddle ball. It’s all there!

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Personally, I think trump is still pissed at Canada because Melania drooled over Justin Trudeau. I’m no fan of Melania’s but if I was stuck with that orange puke, I’d be ‘looking’.

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3 in 1 oil cleans, lubricates and penetrates. DJT seems to have the same opinion of tariffs; they raises revenues, protect domestic manufacturing and leverage policy on any number of fronts. However, If tariffs truly work to reduce imports over time then we won’t have tariff revenue to offset lower taxes. If they do encourage more manufacturing then costs of goods will certainly be higher since U.S. labor costs are much higher. Tariffs used as a cudgel for DJT’s policy du jour will diminish U.S. as a trusted partner and push our trading allies into China’s welcome arms. The absolute ignorance of DJT and the entire Republican Party is numbing. Where do MAGA shoppers think their fruits and produce come from in the middle of winter? How long before Europe says F it, we’re opening up the gas lines to Russia again to get access to cheap gas and restore their manufacturing…”EU First - amirite!!” USA…A as in asinine!!

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And it was also because the stocks nosedived this morning when the markets opened, so yeah, Trump blinked , badly.🤣🤣


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Beginning to think that major news outlet just read from press releases & do zero reporting themselves. So not only don’t they report stuff, they don’t even know it happened.

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I mean, some of them quote Sheinbaum's statement!

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I guess it was too much for them to read the whole thing.

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Honestly, I'm guessing it was just not within the parameters of how they see "the story." When the coverage is focused on "What's Trump up to?!?" the agency of others sort of fades into invisibility... (I am speculating, of course!)

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Shitler’s caddies will have more to say on this as soon as he can get somewhere to watch Fox fockers spin their yarn.

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Sheinbaum is no dummy. Maybe dragging out the ceasefire on the tariffs by a month will

conveniently make stupidhitler forget all about this nonsense. You know he's always "squirrel!!!"

and then he's off to another brain-fart.

She's playing economic chess, and dotard can't sit through a game of checkers.

Thanks, Jon. Your reporting is excellent.

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Thank you, Jeri. (No reporting here, I confess, just reading the internets!)

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Magnificent, Jonathan. Not to be confused with MAGAnificent, which does not exist.

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Thank you, Wendy!

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And TFN just keeps on giving, and giving. Thank you

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