Hell, evey corporation is a criminal racket. Why we continue, by we I mean us little people, to tolerate their existence is beyond me. We need protections from them as consumers and we need protections from them as employees. Sounds like a lose/lose for us🫤
Sent a one time donation from PayPal, a German account so you might spot it although it is in my husband's name rather than mine. Donation-wise, that's all I can manage right now but I do hope you can go on with your news round-up and analyses. You were the first to bring Project 2025 into focus for me. Not that I like having the shit scared out of me but I live abroad and rely on a variety of web-based news sites to keep up with U.S. news. Thanks.
Hell, evey corporation is a criminal racket. Why we continue, by we I mean us little people, to tolerate their existence is beyond me. We need protections from them as consumers and we need protections from them as employees. Sounds like a lose/lose for us🫤
Europe to the rescue!
Little early for an October Revolution but I'll deffo take it! LOL
It's five o'clock somewhere...
Sent a one time donation from PayPal, a German account so you might spot it although it is in my husband's name rather than mine. Donation-wise, that's all I can manage right now but I do hope you can go on with your news round-up and analyses. You were the first to bring Project 2025 into focus for me. Not that I like having the shit scared out of me but I live abroad and rely on a variety of web-based news sites to keep up with U.S. news. Thanks.
Thank you! Spotted! And I'll do my best to keep everyone's shit right where it belongs in future...