I knew it! Trump is a Girther.

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This is unacceptable!

We must see her long form pay stub.

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Another observation about that "not-seasonally adjusted" table:

Let's agree that for each individual month, the seasonal nature is the same year to year. So there is no need to "adjust" the year-to-year figures for each individual month, as any seasonal effect for, for example, a given June compared to another given June can be safely ignored.

Okay. Even admitting the possibility I may have missed one, except for the period April 2020 to March 2021 (Did something happen around then? I can't seem to recall....) the employment figures for each month went up over the same month the year before and even the losses in 2020 and 2021 had been more than erased by 2022 or 2023.

Seasonally-adjusted figures may look different from raw numbers, but they would tell the same story.

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I worked 6 to midnight at McDonald’s on Cape Cod the summer between my junior and senior years in college (while also being a “chamber maid” in the mornings at a fleabag motel where nobody tipped and left all their crappy food behind). Both jobs were awful and I came home all greasy from McD’s after having eaten too many leftover fries. 45 years later, there’s no way I could prove it!

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Thanks so much for sharing! And thank you for your service.

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Maybe the Harris campaign should say that they will provide proof Harris worked at McDonald's when Trump provides his tax returns.

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I was gonna say that! You Newsfuckers always let me know when my instincts were right!

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