I'm a paid up NF***er as of yesterday. I roam, but I don't think I can stomach non-fuckery in my news in these troubled times. So it's you Jon(athan) and Jon Stewart and a couple of wags in the U.K.

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That was a very interesting glimpse into the American mind. I vowed that I would not subscribe to any author who uses the F word

but I’m having second thoughts.

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Thank you for this: " I’m old enough to remember the left’s crusade to re-humanize suspects, defendants, and, yes, even convicts guilty of crimes much more heinous than Trump’s. Even if he doesn’t merit mercy, to my mind wielding his criminal record against him threatens to perpetuate a stigmatization that will splash up on everyone else with a record." There's more than enough dehumanizing around us; thanks for cautioning us not to contribute to it.

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Thank you for providing a space where I can be reminded daily that there are like minded people close by. Your writing has pulled me through much of the pure insanity swirling around these days!

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I feel similarly to you when it comes to the carceral state.

But some people lately are really testing my principles.

Especially when they are wealthy and have had every advantage.

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...Wall of Assumed Decency

I always wondered how Raygun, Tricky Dick, Bush, Bush the Lesser and to some extent Obama could still be respected (they're not cool no matter how many paintings the Lesser scratches out). They could speak in whole sentences? Had smart, evil people around them? Didn't look like they slept in their car?

trump looks a lot like the pig he is, but IMHO says all the things, does all the things they wish they could have done. And got away with being an instigator or accessory to murder (J6).

Maybe Obama isn't so bad, but keeping their noses clean after being in office doesn't make them decent to me. I'm old, I haven't forgotten.

Just a rando opinion from an old lady.

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I think some folks would understandably cite Obama's use of drones to kill people. But I also think he's in a different category than Reagan, Bush, and Nixon, for instance. Thanks for this, Jeri.

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yeah, the drones. Ugh

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Thanks for another honest take on the day's shitfuckery.

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What's the connection between Global Warming, the Los Angeles fires, Clarence Thomas luxury trips and Trump's nominee for EPA? Follow the money!

GLOBAL WARMING profiteers hide during Los Angeles fire tragedy


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Regarding your comments about construction areas in Los Angeles and California in general, the same can be said about areas in Texas, Florida and Louisiana, and other low lying hurricane and flood prone areas along coastal areas of the US. You might want to expand your thinking a bit.

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I enjoy (infrequently these days) watching some of the home buying/selling/ improving shows on HGTV. But the show that makes me purple with various strong emotions is Beachfront Bargain Hunt. “Ooh, the house is SO close to the beach! We can walk right down to the shore!” Especially the ones which aren’t even built on pylons (or whatever the mega-stilts are called). People paying good money (down payment anyway) on a place that they’re lucky to have for a whole year. Probably extra cheap cuz they don’t have to pay for insurance…

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We have snow on the ground right now. This summer will be livid. Rich folks want more power sucking data centers. And hot wheelz welcomes this.

Our grid won't hold up.

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I should definitely expand my thinking! Sadly, no matter how much I do, it's still possible I will never include everything I know about (or that readers want me to include) in any given post. All I can do is hope readers won't assume I'm not aware of things just because I don't mention those things when they think I ought to have. Wish me luck!

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The problem centers on American greed and hubris based on the doctrines of Manifest Destiny and discovery confers ownership despite indigenous or prior use or occupation. Hubris and greed are the cornerstones of American exceptionalism. Trump II and P2025 are prime examples. Drill baby drill and let’s take over Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal Zone are personifications of The Ugly American.

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Morally despicable Houston flood plain construction in particular... FL and LA are just a disaster declaration waiting to happen.

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