Re AOC, perhaps it would be wise to keep her powder dry until Jan 3 2025 when the 119th Congress will commence, and seek impeachment of those SC justices then with a Dem majority in control of both chambers.

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If they control both chambers, that'd be a game-changer for sure...

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this is the most pollyanna-ish, rose-colored-glasses-covered, delusional fluff i've ever read...while you may be correct about all the problems you diagnosed, and the shittitude of the supreme court's work, nothing will change, and in fact they actually HAVE given more latitude for presidents to be lawless, without ANY readily-available means of accountability--impeachment, as we have seen and had pounded into our brains TWICE during the insane presidenting of DJT, is partisan and useless--

republicans currently have the house...they may keep it in november...they'll almost certainly take the senate...the american electorate is entirely too fucking stupid and/or apathetic to do anything about any of it...obscure low-tier democrats are now chiming in for biden to step down, aiding the republican efforts to ratfuck the process, instead of shutting the fuck up and supporting biden...MSNBC has returned to beating on biden instead of beating on the criminal court and trump--the new york state court just agreed to delay trump's sentencing in the bribery-election fraud case until mid-september...

all of this reinforces the prevailing zeitgeist of 'nothing matters, this fucker trump can get away with anything'--which was the whole point if the supreme shitty six ruling--

the only response to any of this bullshit (because your suggestions will result in absolutely nothing changing) is for biden to take the green light that this fucker-court has given him and order the DOJ to arrest trump on charges of sedition and treason (among others), hold him in a fed pen without bail (where he will lose what's left of his sanity in weeks if not days), as biden SHOULD have done on his first day as president...let trump's lawyers appeal it all the way back to the lawless six supremes, they're all in the Hamptons now anyway with the ending of their term, and wouldnt it be nice to not have to hear a word from that p-o-s trump for a few weeks?...as we currently are getting a break from that treasonous turd steve bannon?...it's time to take a flamethrower to this bullshit, because the usual means of holding these criminals accountable has UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY FAILED...the game is rigged, and is this close to being Over...because the good guys took too damn long to realise just what the hell has been going on...i thought you had a better grasp of what's going on here and what the supreme court has done in just the last few days with its dismantling of the administrative state and its reaffirming of the imperial presidency...i may have been wrong...it's time to take a flamethrower to this fucking place, not double down on institutionalism and the rosy and wrong belief in 'we the people'...'we the people' are fucking idiots

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Hi Mark, thanks for weighing in! I confess occasional lapses into pollyanna-hood, for sure. That said, ironically, it's hard for me not to see the prospect of Biden ordering the DOJ to arrest Trump in similar terms. It seems impossibly optimistic to imagine he'll do that. Especially three years later, when Biden's politically weak, and it will surely -- correctly -- be seen as political. That, and Dems historically have maintained at least the optics of DOJ purity. I've definitely been remiss addressing the devastating rulings re regulations. I can only plead that I always have to weigh whether to chime in on stuff people know about, or report on stuff they don't. In this case, a lot was going on with Ukraine that I thought needed to be on the record out there. I do think that Trump succeeds because they see him as a flamethrower to a system they no longer trust. And I agree that Democrats need to be that, as well. I'm just not seeing what that might look like, in this moment. Other than going full FDR/Scandinavian socialism. Which I wish I were enough of a pollyanna to believe might happen! Either way, I think we're all on the same side here, so ideally a solution or at least possible solution will emerge around which we can all rally. Preferably with flamethrowing.

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yes, you're right of course...there's no chance of Biden or any other democrat acting like a republican would--it was a nice fever-dream in the moment of anger, tho---but the Ds have been playing by the rules for too long to know how to do otherwise...they've also been cowering in the corner and blaming each other and circular-firing-squading every time the Rs and the FNYTimes beat on them since reagan days to actually know what to do with a flamethrower if they were handed one (which they actually have been, but....🤷🏼‍♂️)....i dont know any practical tactic/solution except to double down on Biden instead of backing down, as they always do....that's the difference between Ds and Rs...Ds back down and Rs double down...it's disheartening and wearying, and i think our country is in for a world of shit if trump is re-installed as president--the SCOTUS has set us up for trump and his gang of Nazis to knock us all down--they've stacked the deck, all the cliches, and it looks bleak to me....oh, for an FDR or an LBJ (with flamethrowers)....

on other notes, i appreciate the reporting on Ukraine (i would hope all your readers do) and other topics the mainstreamers are weak on...i'm not sure how i got on your email list, but i'm glad i did, and i'll continue to be a daily reader and sometimes cranky-ass old man commenter--thanks for your hard work and reporting--


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Thanks, Mark. I'm happy to have folks critique my reasoning and thrilled to know that we can all still hear each others' critiques...

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Concur. The law is an ass.

I am 100% in favor of the Flamethrower method.

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Fucking GREAT commentary!

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This is excellent. Thank you.

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I have so much to say and think about regarding your post! I appreciate your pointing out the horrible things that both Democrats and Republicans have done in the name of the country- to be honest, the US basically sucks on many levels! And the fact that the Supreme Court is trying to redefine our Constitution is inexcusable. I think it's time for an amendment stating that there is a limit to the time a Supreme Court Justice can serve! Not an age limit, but a time limit. I know that no one on the Supreme Court is over 80 at this point, but how long have some of them been there? If the Supreme Court carries to redefine our constitution, it is in our best interest to limit the amount of time they have to change and enforce their interpretation! I agree, the current reading on immunity is not the end of the world; there is so little defined and so much is left to the government and the courts that it's very unspecific and almost meaningless- emphasize ALMOST! There is still the possibility of import on the whole immunity question...

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I wish there were more Democrats that understood how even the appearance of fighting back energizes the electorate. Biden’s speech last night, promising not to abuse the new power given him, was the opposite of that. Even my moderate D neighbors were disappointed.

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Thanks, Jonathan, for making me smile while pulling me away from the ledge. I will be forwarding this newsletter to several people who I know will appreciate it and need it.

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