The people and the governor of California pay huge taxes to our country’s government and economy. Their TAXES also pay for Mike Johnson’s salary and for all the salaries of the “ waste of space “ Republicans in the house , senate and white house.

No one in California should go “ hat in hand “ for aide for this fire.

Wake Up Americans!!!

We all pay taxes and should get something for them, especially when disasters strike our states.

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What is happening in California is sad, and was completely avoidable with very little effort.

The fire issues were caused by the failed policies of the left, involving water usage and storage, brush cleanup, the use of controlled burns, and the mass politcal firing of firefighters. Trump tried to force California to be prepared for fires, and they sued due to their hatred.

The handeling of the fires have been a failure due to democrats appointing unqualified people, and complete gross incompetence.

Of course, the normal person pays for these failings.

California is responsible for all of California's problems, unfortunately.

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This is by far my fav quote from your piece:

"Smirnov, an FBI misinformant, misinformed the FBI about his lies under oath, instead of doing it the way you’re supposed to, misinforming Americans on TV with the backing of the full Republican Party."

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Thanks, Martin.

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A few comments on an equal number of points.

- Yeah, I remember Think Progress. For the moment, you might check out CommonDreams.org to see if it offers anything useful for you.

- Hearing/watching the news out of LA, I keep wanting to scream IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE, YOU DUMBASS! The cycle of drought and drench is exactly the sort of thing the models predicted.

- Any idea how many of those nine Dims who will endorse xenophobia are doing it because they just are xenophobes and how many are doing it because they're scared "The GOPpers might say something mean about me next election?" And which is worse?

- I don't give a flying damn about how "we'll know in law" that Tweetie-pie is a felon because it won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference. No one will care. His supporters already knew he was that and worse and they voted for him. Zuck the Fuck and the rest that crowd already knew and they're all kowtowing and begging him to take their money. History might care - well after it's too late.

- And finally, another voice from Canada: Canadian Green Party leader Elizabeth May suggested that California, Oregon, and Washington join Canada as provinces.

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I agree 1,000 %! Trump, projected this, about a week ago, when he announced > he was cutting back California’s Fire, and Protection aid! Tis’ terribly typical of Trump. . I have relatives in Palisades both lost homes and absolutely every fkng! Thing! Trump is behind the 🔥 FIRES! 🏴‍☠️ He IS That EVIL!🤡🤨

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Gonna get me a T Shirt with my permanent F you expression of disgust, contempt , fury , no forgiveness ever, to every Trump voter that voted for this disgusting vile human- just wish I had a vaporizer gun for them all!

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Again (and again) The unspeakable forbidden words Climate Crisis never came out of Kamala's mouth. Preferring instead to twist herself into knots trying to explain her fracking flip flop. Maybe if she would have put the damn pom poms down for a minute we wouldn't be in the position we are now awaiting The Second Coming Of Insane Clown. Damn shame.

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Thanks a fucking lot for our fine latest news. Peace

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Jonathan, you noted a presser by Newsom detaining California's prevention steps, the full water reserve now depleted, firefighting funding boosts etc. I need that link please. Can't seem to find it while the orange claims are dominating the search feeds


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Hi Pam, not a press conference, a release. I link to it, embedded in the word "responded," but you can also find it here: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2025/01/08/california-forest-management-hotter-drier-climate/

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Trump is an adjudicated rakist.

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Nothing worse than when someone comes up with better jokes. Damn you, Agent of Chaotic Respite!

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Hickenlooper is so fucked in my book. First the NDAA, now this? Looks like I'm gonna have to push to primary my rep and both my senators.

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Keep on fucking.

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Hmmm… maybe Claudia Sheinbaum is onto something. Make America Mexican Again, MAMA!

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Here’s some science if you want to name names on climate responsibility:

Companies: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-017-1978-0

Countries: https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02041-1

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Priceless: "Among those other, reviving Title 42, a legal measure that lets the government forgo due process for wannabe immigrants by claiming there’s a health emergency, which Trump will say there isn’t the moment there actually is." Of course that's what to expect while we are living in [stealing a lyric from The Kinks' Lola] " a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola." Where's Lola when we need her/him most?

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When NPR talked about the undocumented bill, they made it sound not-so-bad. I’m really pissed that my (D) House Rep voted for it, and thanks to you, I know how bad it really is. I plan to let her know, since she either didn’t read it or seriously lacks imagination on how it will play out.

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The provisions I cited the other day came from immigration think-tanky people so it's possible some Democrats aren't even aware of all the implications. I believe tomorrow is a vote to advance it, not yet to enact it.

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