My browser says that the link to your journalism page is not secure because of the protocol used in creating it. I do want to subscribe. Help a girl out?
Hi Katherine, and thanks! I haven't heard this before. What browser are you using? This is the link for the subscription page, if you want to try that: Worse comes to worst, if you want, you can message me your email address and I can add it manually, old school, with exploited physical labor.
Rashida also told a Big Truth - that AG Nessel failed the people of Flint, MI
when she took over the investigation of the poisoning of the water leading to all charges being dropped against for one, a governor who was potentially being charged with manslaughter.
My browser says that the link to your journalism page is not secure because of the protocol used in creating it. I do want to subscribe. Help a girl out?
Hi Katherine, and thanks! I haven't heard this before. What browser are you using? This is the link for the subscription page, if you want to try that: Worse comes to worst, if you want, you can message me your email address and I can add it manually, old school, with exploited physical labor.
The embedded link has 'www' in it.
Thanks for the catch! Should be fixed now...
“But unlike years past, fealty to the top of the ticket no longer means abandoning local and state parties.” Whomever could you mean? 🤔
Ha! I didn’t intend to be coy. I just didn’t feel sufficiently informed to single anyone out…
Rashida also told a Big Truth - that AG Nessel failed the people of Flint, MI
when she took over the investigation of the poisoning of the water leading to all charges being dropped against for one, a governor who was potentially being charged with manslaughter.
See Jordan Chariton’s new book 📕 We the Poisoned.