Thanks for the recap. I had planned to watch this debate (I missed the first one because I can’t stand the sound of TFG’s voice) but too much life happened. I think the Kamala campaign needs to make it clear that if TFG wins, Vance will be the one presidenting.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

i'm with you on about 99% of this...except....

"And while de-normalizing Trump, Vance was simultaneously normalizing Democrats.

Time and again, Vance looked for opportunities to align himself with Walz....."

yeah....way too subtle and inside-baseball for MagaMorons and undecideds (also Morons)

oh, while i'm here...what makes us think Vance is going to wait for 2028 to vance-stab MagaBoss? vance is so pathologically ambitious, he absolutely will not hesitate (along w the Heritage nazis that will make up the new cabinet if elected) to 25th-amendment the old sociopath if he dithers or strays from the project 2025 agenda...beware the ides of march orange julius caesar; aka--

+200 that it happens before 5-15-2025

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RE: "Trump gutted pandemic preparation and fumbled..."

Let's now take a look at Joe Biden’s pandemic leadership:

His Words:

OCT, 2020:

“220,000 deaths. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this: Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United States.”

I agree. Trump should’ve been impeached for gross negligence. And so should Biden 900,000 deaths later. There’s a thing called “leadership." And any implication that Biden isn't bigly responsible for a bigly amount of the following 900,000 deaths is delusional.

NOV, 2020

“A Biden-Harris administration will:

-Implement nationwide mask mandates” (bullshit, a pathetic patchwork of barely enforced half-measures varying state to state)

-“Ensure access to regular, reliable, and free testing” (more bullshit, through Walgreens and CVS for god’s sake?)

-“Accelerate the development and distribution of safe and effective treatments and vaccines” (Yes. Started under Trump, continued under Biden, then underfunded and forgotten.)

-“We won’t waste any time getting this virus under control.”

(chasing variants every 4-6 months is not “under control.” It’s a continuing medical disaster.)

JAN, 2022:

Regarding reaching the 1 million dead mark:

“And I think we - I sometimes underestimate it because I STOPPED THINKING ABOUT IT…” (Impeach the dumb bastard.)

This is how Biden handled the pandemic:

-He pursued a vaccine only strategy that was insufficient for keeping everyone safe from COVID.

-One of the deadliest waves of the pandemic happened after Biden's White House prematurely encouraged dismantling of public health measures. Message here? Fake normalcy and the economy are more important than our lives. More important than millions disabled by the virus. Downplaying long-Covid, de-emphasizing non-pharmaceutical interventions like masking, ventilation-filtration, distancing, and workplace protections in favor of Wall Street.

-Biden picked the worst possible moment to declare the pandemic “over” on September 18, 2022 after 15,800 COVID deaths the previous month. There was, and still is, no scientific bases for doing so. https://newrepublic.com/article/167946/biden-pandemic-omicron-bivalent-boosters

7-day rolling average of COVID deaths in 2022:

13,700 - Sep

10,800 - Oct

10,000-22,200 - Nov (anomalies noted)

11,964 - Dec


15,931 - Jan

13,294 - Feb


-We’re still chasing out-of-control variants, COVID is still airborne, it’s still deadly with the added bonus of the 1/3 possibility of lingering long-term debilitating illness. That’s the definition of a pandemic. Over 100,000 Americans have died of COVID since Biden declared the pandemic over, essentially condemning the population to continual reinfections. Stupid. Careless. Negligent. Incompetent.

-The US had lower vaccine uptake than many other countries, despite having the significant advantage of having access to large amounts of the vaccine first. That’s a leadership responsibility.


And Americans are still dying at a rate of over 1,000 a week.

-15 million Americans kicked off Medicaid and CHIP coverage, also reducing food benefits and tele-health visits in 2024 -while we’re still dying of the virus at the rate of over 1,000 a week.

-Abandoned campaign promises: public option and lowering Medicare age to 60.

-Repeatedly vowed to repeal any Medicare For All bill during the height of the pandemic.

-Promised $2,000 checks on day one. Cut to $1,400 when people suffered during the pandemic.

-Voted against amendments that would help those in medical debt.

-While Bernie Sanders was urging states to delay their primaries and move to mostly mail-in balloting, Biden was telling democrats to head to the polls when weekly deaths were reaching 17,000. (April 2020).

-Refused to back a patent waiver to allow Covid vaccines for poor countries.

-100 million buried in medical debt, 650,000/year going bankrupt because of it.

-Refused to repeal Trump rule shielding nursing home execs from COVID death lawsuits.

- On Nov 11, 2020, Biden's own Covid advisory board suggested a 4-6 week shutdown to slow spread before vaccines were available. It could have controlled the pandemic and saved countless lives. "I am not going to shut down the economy, period" he said. Instead, he let the pandemic do it while killing hundreds of thousands more. That's considerably more than a "fumble." That's deliberate.

There much more but I don't have time to write a book.

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too late, ya already did...and most of it out-of-context bullshit & nonse....🥱 😴

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Reluctantly I watched the another 'debate' that wasn't last night. Walz was indeed overloaded with 'facts' and it showed. I maintain though that Vance was doing something far worse than just shapeshifting for a national audience. He clearly was campaigning for 2028. He stood there calm and 'in control' knowing 'his side' would never question his 'facts'. He just had to sound good and look like he was important. And even Walz's last 'move' to corner him with 'an answer' will be seen by his 'side' as a brave rebuff since he never admitted 'what isn't true'... and held his ground for tRump. Nobody won last night because nobody was going to win. Everyone lost again, the top loser was CBS, with a stupid format and way way too many broad questions that were more philosophical and totally out of place in what should have been a 'look who's nuts' kind of night. No fact-checking? Wonder who wanted that rule? I should have went to bed.

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I think Vance is running for the 2024 term, because he knows Trump won’t last. He’ll either die in office or be Amendment 25’d out.

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“Because Trump’s conservative evangelical base believes that abortion is murder from the very first moment a sweet, innocent smile appears on the face of the two-cell embryo.”

Actually worse — an immortal soul appears the moment the male’s sperm enters the female’s egg cell at the moment of fertilization.

Though, to be sure, few of them know any biology beyond that of any kind. After all, the satanic doctrine of evolution rises out of biology, and, further, the bible tells us that man’s wisdom is as filthy rags.

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Oct 2Liked by Jonathan Larsen

I thought the debate was a tie. And I think that a lot of people were probably persuaded by Walz’s earnestness and the context which he provided.

Walz spoke too fast and seemed a little too intense, but he was earnest and his answers were thoughtful. I disagree that he wasn’t listening to Vance.

One of the problems was that he debunked something which Vance said, only for Vance to repeat it three or four more times - the accusation that Harris shipped jobs overseas.

I think it’s easy to underestimate how people would respond to Walz. We have all been trained to believe that Vance’s smoothly confident deliver would win the day, but I think people sometimes have better bullshit detectors than we give them credit for.

The thing is, Walz didn’t come across as a politician, nor as someone trying to win points. He came across as someone who was actually trying to explain things. Anybody could see that Vance was doing the politician’s dance up there.

Walz wasn’t preachy, and I think that goes a long way.

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Agree, it was a tie. I sat in meditation for 30 minutes prior so that I would be more mindful of internal biases and resolved to simply see what thoughts would arise as each spoke. Vance was clearly prepared which caused thoughts like, 'slick', 'smarmy' yet at times 'likable' to arise in consciousness (or 'programmed' every time he said the name of the moderator). Walz appeared more nervous at times with thoughts of 'what an honest, likable guy', and 'who wouldn't be nervous' arising whenever he spoke. Why don't they put Walz out there for interviews? Clearly he is capable.

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Good points! And jibes with what I’m seeing from focus groups…

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Oct 2Liked by Jonathan Larsen

I ignore his occasionally jumbly words, because I think most people do the same. Saying he was friends with school shooters was unfortunate. But, I think people will look past that.

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