Hello, pot? meet kettle

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Why are they interviewing the guy who stole PeeWee Herman’s bike?

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This guy has more baggage than Samsonite…

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This is funny because everything he says conflicts so hard with Catholicism.

I could not figure out why he would convert to Catholicism when what he says fits much better with evangelicals.

All the clergy are celibate. Nuns are the ultimate cat ladies! It’s been happening a lot where people convert and then hate the Pope and most of Catholic social teaching but it’s just odd.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has publications that decry the sin of institutional racism, for example. There’s a Papal encyclical about the grave danger of climate change, and the injustice to indigenous people. The last 4 Popes had nothing nice to say about capitalism. Why join this church if you are JD Vance?

I guess he changed his mind somewhere down the line, and now prefers the whole evangelical anti-science thing? Or he’s just a hater who blathers?

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The last paragraph should become an ad.

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Other than the fact his mother was Scots, any other "proof" Trump is a Presbyterian? Just saying. Or any other religion other than the love of Mammon?

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I've seen it reported. Don't recall where but if anyone thinks I got it wrong, please lmk and I'll re-research to confirm or correct...

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No need. Really a waste of time to try to prove a negative,

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All this comparison shopping of Christian religion strikes me as arcane. I don’t know any people who think about it or worry about this stuff. However, what struck me as peculiar is that anyone would be drawn to the Catholic Church after their sex scandals. The same is true to a lesser extent with the Mormon church. Then we have the Duggar family… Why anyone would want to be affiliated with these groups defies my reason. And although I was brought up a Methodist, my parents smoked like industrial stacks and drank like fish, and paid the price in terms of their health. (Methodists are not supposed to do either.) As of my 84th birthday next month I will have outlived both of them. All the Methodists are undergoing seems to be a schism between the more conservative branch that is anti-LGBTQ forces and the more tolerant people. Schisms happen among Protestants from time to time, which is where the label originates after all. But a schism is not a widespread pattern of sexual abuse and pedophilia that was covered up and denied for decades. As a Protestant I find the idea that some guy in a black suit can intercede with God on my behalf if I say a bunch of prayers of a certain type is weird. My ex was brought up Catholic and stopped going to Confession when he was a teenager, for obvious reasons. He never went back. We were married in the Episcopal church because the priest of that church was our friend through a theater project we were all involved in. So Vance’s utterances about Christianity are so arcane to my ears as to be completely unrelatable. He would have been better off becoming a Hindu or a Buddhist, as his wife’s people must have been.

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The headline uses”Protestant” although the article specifies evangelical. There’s a big difference between mainline Protestants and evangelicals.

Also I’m also not convinced that faith had anything to do with converting to Catholicism. It most likely had to do with advancing his career. And the Catholicism he chose isn’t the one that supports helping others, but the one that tells others what to do.

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Yes, I was struck by this:

"‘Maybe it is possible to have Christian faith in an upwardly mobile world.’ You can be a member of your faith and still be a reasonably successful person. That’s not the world I grew up in, but maybe that’s true.”"

He selected a denomination based on how successful it would make him. It seems bizarre. I understand feeling disaffected, and choosing a new church based on personal experiences that drew you to a new group.

(I feel obligated to plug my childhood denomination--the EASTERN ORTHODOX! Yes, their rituals are boring! And ultra-conservative to the point of ignoring the existence of all the progressive sex stuff! But they're slightly fancier than the Catholics, so its cool! Fancy churches ARE cool, anyone saying otherwise is just a nihilist! Also, there are strange niches you can try, like ecstatic prayer, something like the Evangelical epiphany JD Vance disapproves of, called Hesychasm! Combine it with Catholic style confessional!

One caveat, the Russian branch is totally corrupt, in a mafia-political smuggling arm of Putin sort of way. And depressingly, a bunch of American white supremacists are joining the Russian Orthodox because its just so fucking white, they expanded their fascist racism there to the point one clergy member was caught at the Jan6 attack. Its a bit disconcerting to oldtimey members, who are all immigrants.)

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Hey, no fair spoiling future articles! What do you mean by "the Catholicism" he chose. Has he identified some particular branch of Catholicism...? (And, yes, the headline was imprecise, as headlines are wont to be, but in my defense it didn't say ALL Protestants, either... and I have a sneaking feeling his views on mainline Protestantism isn't much better!) Thanks!

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I have never been catholic, so I know nothing about specific denominations, but there was a strong history of social justice in some parts (Romero being the biggest name). So while the church had some strictness, I was willing to view them positively.

OTOH, I lived outside of Boston when the child abuse cases were first coming to light, and the early stories about suppression (parents being told that if they said anything that the family would be excommunicated) was distressing. And that was before hearing about the residential schools and the Magdalene laundries and then moving out west and hearing how they treated the natives during their mission era. And how the church wasn’t willing to take responsibility for its actions and instead claimed persecution. This on top of ramping up their push to tell others how they must live their lives.

Does the social justice wing still exist? No idea. Probably not, because those in power tied it to communism. Does the wing of dictating how everyone should act still exist? Most definitely.

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Romero was assassinated for "Liberation Theology." He was against starving and killing people. So try not to mix him up with the Vatican.

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Yeah, he looks slightly better with the beard.

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The idea that Mormons are an outward-looking group is pretty crazy. Maybe for men it’s that way. I’ve met a number of women who made it out of the religion, and the stories they tell are harrowing.

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OMG. Finally! Something that J.D says that makes sense and that I can agree with. Wow. Will the real J.D. Vance please stand up?

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Vance would be an honest person if he went back to his former beliefs. He has sacrificed his soul on the altar of ambition. In literature and in song, one cannot retract one's pact with the devil. Is he past the point of no return?

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He had & has no real beliefs. He changes his beliefs like he changes clothes to get approval from the richest people that will let him into their circle. He’s no one’s friend.

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