Chuck Schumer evidently is unaware there is an election this year. Voting no could be used against you, not like it is unpopular among the electorate. Undoubtedly a stronger argument than "not Trump." Probably 90% of Senate only knows what their donors tell them, follow the money. Corruption is killing us and stands in the way of bills that help people and are popular with majority of people. We need more bills defining antisemitism, renaming post offices. Power to the students. Interestingly the police would be identified as outside agitators, at least they do mine.

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“ And as an unemployed journalist who currently needs a job (unless more people become paid subscribers!) … where do I apply?!?”

Fuck, yeah!

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Is there a button to give you a one-time contribution? I went to the upgrade page, but $9/month on a month-by-month basis is more than I can add to my monthly media budget. I’d probably do $5-$6 a month (monthly), at least for awhile to express support, but money is tight over here.

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Peter, thank you. I am working on setting up the option for one-time payments!

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Israel has been a terrorist state since its inception. It's an occupying force. The world turned a blind eye to the settlers throwing families out of their homes, kidnapping and raping women and girls and out right cold blooded murder for decades.

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From the outset, Israel as a nation should not have existed. What should have existed would have been a British and US-protected nation of Palestine in which Islamic Palestinians, non-Islamic Palestinians, Jews and Christians would have been encouraged to live in peace, under a democratically elected government, and zionists treated as the terrorists they are.

This would not have been all kum-bah-yah, but it would have largely worked, and turned out better than what we got.

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Very strong statement which makes me question, " since it's inception". Could you please quantify your comment?

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They were colonizers. They stole Palestinian land in 1948.

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Hi Jasmine. I will be the 1st to admit limited knowledge on the subject but did take some time to read some of the history concerning the settlement of the Jewish community when the "War in Gaza" started. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Brits oversee and regulate pretty much every aspect of the developing Jewish settlement? I read some articles that described the Jewish population that settled there after WWII as very hard working and focused on trying to establish a quality of life for their people. I read accounts of them not being welcomed by the Palestinians and of being harassed. I realize I need to educate myself more thoroughly in this matter but it seems there were injustices coming from both sides early on. I also realize that over time, there were lawful provisions enacted that placed a clear advantage toward the Jewish community over the Palestinians and that over time, laws and agreements were ignored and broken once again placing an extreme disadvantage to the Palestinians. I do realize that prior to the October attack, Palestinians have suffered many forms of subjugation, discrimination, loss of freedoms, land, life, and the ability to florish and grow as most of us do. I feel the problems and conditions that developed over time for the Palestinians should have been addressed and remedied a LONG TIME AGO. It is more than a shame that it has come to this moment. I am a strong advocate in the call to stop ALL and ANY forms of violence upon the Palestinian population. I have addressed 6 emails to the White House urging President Biden to push for a cease-fire and to stop funding this war! I am in full support of all the campus protests going on now. Too many innocent people have been murdered on both sides and it never brings resolve to point a finger. So.., who's at fault? It is the collective will and direction of those we bestow power to, and hold good faith in, to govern us as a people. Only to be let down time and time again. Peace be with you.

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The Jewish people weren't the only people killed during the Holocaust. Disabled people were killed. LGBTQ people were killed. Atheists and other non Christians were killed. None of those groups were given a country. The Zionists constantly play the victim card conveniently forgetting the other people who were victimized.

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