4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Nice start, to a week of losers losing weakly. May we see many more weeks of weakling losers losing.

As for Israel "Rapine for virginity" comes to mind, which is beginning to slosh from all of the head shaking I've been doing.

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It would have been nice to see links to where we could contribute directly to the Florida and Texas D campaigns.

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My journalist DNA has infused me with a lot of angst about this. I’ve certainly thought about doing that, and even more ambitious ideas. One is it’s a staffing/time issue to track down and verify links. The other is click-through rates in generally are extremely low, so it’s not clear how much ROI there is. FWIW, back in the NINETIES I was pushing for the site of the news outlet where I worked to bake in exactly that kind of resource as a default. I failed and it still hasn’t happened!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Larsen

I love your writing. You are truly bold and gifted. I have one humble request: I hope that you would be willing to consider how focusing on Trump's weight and eating habits has serious potential for perpetuating stigma against fat people. That criticism will never touch Trump, but when traits that cause marginalization against people who don't have the power and privilege Trump has are hard-linked to his horrible nefarious traits, that strengthens the negative bias embedded in cultural assumptions about fat people, and that really hurts us. We deal, constantly, with extreme negative assumptions and stereotypes already. I hope you will give that some thought. Thanks.

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Thank you, LC! As a fellow differently-encumbered person, I hear what you're saying. My reference to his eating habits was not intended to shame him, but to juxtapose it with his claim that he eats healthily. If I were going to shame him for eating burgers, it'd be because of the environmental/climate impacts! The criticism in this case wasn't about what he eats, but about his claim that it's healthy! (Similarly, the reference to his obesity was purely actuarial, in the context of his potential longevity.) All that said, I definitely HAVE fallen short of my standards on this front in the past, so I'm glad to have you and others policing me for this kind of thing, ableism, sexism, etc. It's tough to pull off comedy without doing so at someone's expense, and I definitely want to avoid collateral damage. Thank you!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Larsen

Thanks for the wonderfully thoughtful reply!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Larsen

As per usual, a fantastic post. Except for this:

"As a boy, he thought he wouldn’t grow up to be a serial rapist."

With all due respect, I'm going to need to see some evidence to support this statement.

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Always blows my mind when one of you Newsfuckers takes it one step bleaker…!

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The reason why he thinks he will never die is because big macs don’t mold, or do anything, when left on the counter for weeks, except desiccate. Seriously, try it.

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You’re thinking of the basic cheeseburger. Big Macs have actual perishable ingredients (lettuce, Mac sauce). They rot like crazy🤘

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Damn. Still scary, though. 🤣

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He’ll quit if he loses. 😆😆🥹🥹😂😂😹😹🤣🤣🤣

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Superb column today! You hit every highpoint and once again made me laugh and almost feel good about the shitshow that is today's 'news'. Lines like: 'Marriages. Businesses. Children. Court cases. Law-obeying. Not raping. He’s quit/lost/failed at all of them at one point and/or another' - 'throwing Trump overboard as one of the Feats of Strength performed on Festivus' - 'Failed elements of the plan included ensuring that our overlords — international financial institutions'.

No one else dare write about these things that matter out of fear, money, corporations, etc. much less make it read as hilarious as it is... EXCEPT that it isn't being brought to light due to said fear, money, corporations. I thank you for your service.

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Wow, thanks!

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Personally, I think the losing lying quitter is lying. 🤣🤣🤣

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Really? Why's that? I could see it if I thought it helps him at all, but I'm not seeing how it might?

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Because that's what liars do, They lie. I'll believe he's not running when I see the casket going into the ground. Maybe.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Larsen

I'll bet not even the mortician will be able to get him to lie straight.

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That's a hell of a line.

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