People still watch TV? That’s so adorable. Seriously. Who gives a rats ass about tv ratings these days when the only people who watch TV are going to be dead soon (based solely on demographics, not anything more nefarious, of course). There is plenty of resistance and there are resistance-minded people, if one chose to look for them. But…
People still watch TV? That’s so adorable. Seriously. Who gives a rats ass about tv ratings these days when the only people who watch TV are going to be dead soon (based solely on demographics, not anything more nefarious, of course). There is plenty of resistance and there are resistance-minded people, if one chose to look for them. But, apparently the corporate media has lost the ability to find us since turning on the tv or checking tv ratings is so much easier than, say, having to learn how to navigate a whole new social media platform because the one we all used to hang out on is run by a literal fucking space Nazi. And anyone looking to the corporate scribblers and talking heads to “save us” from ourselves is living in an era we have officially left behind.
People still watch TV? That’s so adorable. Seriously. Who gives a rats ass about tv ratings these days when the only people who watch TV are going to be dead soon (based solely on demographics, not anything more nefarious, of course). There is plenty of resistance and there are resistance-minded people, if one chose to look for them. But, apparently the corporate media has lost the ability to find us since turning on the tv or checking tv ratings is so much easier than, say, having to learn how to navigate a whole new social media platform because the one we all used to hang out on is run by a literal fucking space Nazi. And anyone looking to the corporate scribblers and talking heads to “save us” from ourselves is living in an era we have officially left behind.