I had to do a double take because I usually agree with most of your contentions! The unity on display right now among Dems is both strategic and orchestrated AND reflective of what The People want and need. Sometimes our collaborations look like a happy trance dance of exuberance and relief! We’re not the weirdos except in all the good ways! We have the perfect leadership and perfect strategic approach for right now. I am choosing to trust and revel in this democratic dance and so can you🥰

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Wait, what did I say…?!?

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sorry; there has been NO WANTON destruction of Palestines by Israel. Stop spreading disinformation. It is so easy to believe the lies of Hamas. Why? because: JEWISH. The Palestinians wanted Hams; and is being used by Hamas as shields.. The last bombing of a :"school," was an empty school that had terrorists hiding there to continue to attack Israel citizens>>>>Interesting that NO ONE has been screaming about the innocent Muslim children that were murdered by the terrorists - why? Because these dear children were Israelis!

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When will Israel begin assassinating their enemies in the US? Israel has a deadly foreign policy toolbox.

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This guy is the cleverest and funniest political commentator around. C’mon toss him a couple bucks to keep him going!

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Thank you, Rob!

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So much fun, so much to think on in this one.

One thing that was drilled into me somewhere (journo/communications class in college? who the f can remember), was that if you have a single syllable word that conveys distinctly what you're trying to say, use it. NYT - quit finding multi-syllable words to use instead of LIES. They aren't falsehoods, they aren't disputed utterances, they are LIES. (And ffs, if Texas secedes, it can take Arizona with it - leave New Mexico - move Cactus League spring training to NM.)

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Thanks! I’m one of those inclined to shy away from “Lie” because it implies intent, which requires knowing internal state of mind. When the, ahem, hypothetical person is known to know something they’re lying about, then I’m on board for sure! And yes, I could’ve used that class you took…

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I will agree with that - intent is important (I'm a little more rabid and uncouth than the professional journalist). And I do appreciate the journalists that try to call out the <coughs> falsehoods whenever possible. Fact-checking has exploded over the last decade - no idea why. The MSM needs to keep calling it out, not abdicating their responsibility or getting bored with it. Was it a CNN execu-clown that said it wasn't their job do this?

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Project 2025 Director Steps Down: Who are the dozens of Trump associates still working on Project 2025? Check with this interactive relationship map.


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