Fuck Nancy Mace in Macy's window.

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Much as I love Bernie I think he is dead wrong on this. No doubt Bibi and his buttplugs Shmotrich and Ben Gvir are rotten to the core and make it very hard to stick up for Israel. But the fact is that Hamas started this shit on October 7 and lest we forget is still holding hostages. No one wants peace less than Hamas. No one could care less about Palestinian civilians than Hamas (who when Sharon in 2005 made a significant gesture by handing Gaza to Palestinians, reciprocated by electing). Sharia Law From The River To The Sea and Islamofascists in possession of Israel's nuclear weapons is certainly not in the US's interest.

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Despair is not an option, it’s now a default. And I’m tired of giving concessions to ignorance. If you do evil, you are evil. If you vote evil, you are evil. Period.

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A couple other wonderful side effects to look forward to when the roundups of undocumented immigrants begins:

These folks are responsible for about $100 billion a year in tax revenues,for which they get little back, particularly FICA.

Mexican and Central American economies rely on remittances from their citizens here, from shitty wages that our citizens would never work for. This in turn will no doubt have the happy effect of increasing grinding poverty and hunger south of the border.

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This will allow them to keep shrieking about the border. I just know that a lot of women and kids are going to suffer especially. I want to apologize to the people affected by this fucking guy and his pig-pen cloud of disturbed goons

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And thus also increasing the drive to get here somehow, no matter the risks or restrictions.

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Yes, then watch the decrease in military recruits (who don’t want to pick strawberries).

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Well said! Just say no to deporting good people.

Deporting productive working families is something only a stupid idiot would do.

Only a stupid idiot would hunt down working moms and dads and their kids and throw them in prison.

Working families are good for the economy. Only a stupid idiot would harm them.

Stupid idiots like the authors of P2025 think they are smart. They are not. They are stupid idiots.

Someone tell Donnie that if he deported workers the economy depend on, he would look like a stupid idiot.

Anyone who thinks harming working families is a good thing are stupid idiots.

Only stupid idiots think its good to torture children by taking them away from their mama and daddy.

The Press and X and T posters--repeat and repeat again. Maybe the stupid idiot will hear you!

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Eloquently stated!

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This is for real, for real..the amazing food system in this country is teetering, on the best day, on the backa of disenfranchised and very hardworking men and women. Once those people are forced out they likely won't come back. Hello food chaos! Folks these fascists are set to plunder our whole way of life AND YHEY HAVE NO USE FOR YOU. You and your kids and their kids are standing in the way of their obscene profits so when we go down into poverty and confusion let's not think anyone is coming to save us. We have a few months to enjoy the luxury of pretending that this isn't happening. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU.

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Thanks for the gallows laughter😜

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