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Fair. And thank you! In my defense, I DID try it solo pre-substack and the world now seems to have decided this is the platform. Honest question: How would you have suggested I go ahead with this?
Dunno. I'm a consumer of content not a creator these days... but 4+ of my substack subscription creators have moved to behiive and I get their newsletters nice as pie in my inbox when they publish. And bonus: no Nazis!
Ok... but substack? Srsly?
Check, Dudesicle!
Fair. And thank you! In my defense, I DID try it solo pre-substack and the world now seems to have decided this is the platform. Honest question: How would you have suggested I go ahead with this?
Dunno. I'm a consumer of content not a creator these days... but 4+ of my substack subscription creators have moved to behiive and I get their newsletters nice as pie in my inbox when they publish. And bonus: no Nazis!
Of course I've never even heard of beehiive... I will keep your recommendation in mind depending on how things go here. Thank you! #Pie #NoNazis
I 1000% support your work & am thrilled you're willing to give this another go...